Lee Eun-Hyuk x fem!reader fluff

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lee eunhyuk is a calm-headed and rational guy. you've met him when you've first moved into the green home apartment, way before the tragedy happened. you still remember the first time you met. you had bumped into him while writing a uni essay that was due in two days, he was holding a cup of coffee and it spilled both on your shirt, and your essay paper.  you panicked since you worked so hard writing that particular essay for days and it's exactly due in two days and you desperately tried to wipe the coffee stain off, but it was inevitably ineffective. the essay was wet and long gone. eunhyuk took notice of that and decided to lend a hand by rewriting your essay for you. that's when you started to take interest in him. slowly that interest built into love.

since then, you've always tried to interact with him in any way you can. though currently, the whole residence of the green home apartment is struggling especially with what's going on outside currently. It's been a few days since it happened, when strange monsters started appearing and spreading.

you've noticed how eunhyuk has taken the role of a leader and has led the remaining residents. due to that, he has a lot of responsibilities and burden on his shoulders.

so now currently in the present, you're following him around as he orders some of the residents. then, you followed him to the bathroom. as he was about to unzip his pants to pee,

"why do you always follow me around everywhere?" eunhyuk questions.

"is it wrong for me to follow you everywhere, hyuki?" you reply, with a bright smile.

he stares at you, expressionless as he always does, "it's somewhat a violation of privacy, but I guess not. do whatever you must as long as it doesn't affect anything bad." he says

"okie dokie!"

"now, please could you leave and let me pee in peace."

"lets pee together, hyuki. I've already seen your dick before!"

you've been following him around the whole day, like you always do. right now, all of the remaining residents are here as eunhyuk was strategizing a plan. they were all looking at him, eyes full of hope that he'll come up with a good plan to ease them of the disaster-like happenings.

"your cuteness is making everyone stare, hyuk!" you say in a teasing tone.

he looks at you, deadpan. he's used to your random comments by now. that doesn't stop you from noticing how red his ears are though.

the other residents also, are used to your random comments. you've always stuck to eunhyuk like a piece of gum, you're literally inseparable.

after explaining the plan and strategy, all of the residents separated to do whatever they wanted to do. you're left with eunhyuk.

"hyuki, I know you like me! I saw your ears turn red earlier!" you say gleefully.

"maybe I possibly do."

"huh?" you let out, as you were caught off guard.

"maybe I do like you. no, I do like you. "

you were taken aback, processing the situation.

"i'm aware that this situation isn't really the best time to confess considering that things that have been happening outside lately but, I just had to let it out." he continues.

you suddenly regained your consciousness back and a big smile engulfed your face.

"you darn loverboy! I knew I was irresistible!" you joked, while giggling.

"i'm really glad you do though. because I love you so much that it makes me feel as if any time without you is far too long." you continue.

"is that why you follow me around so constantly?" he asks.

"yep!" you reply.

"anyhow..." you say as you take his glasses off,

"you're so pretty, eunhyuk."

he stares into your eyes, you lean in closer giving him a peck on the lips.

"hehe, I've always wanted to know how your lips felt—"

you feel hands grabbing your neck and pulling you closer into a deep kiss. his lips touched yours. deeply kissing you into a high state. then you both pull away, faces both red.

"...that was really something, hyuki."

"yeah...never expected I could do that type of sort."

extra !!
you were currently playing with eunhyuk's hair as he read a book, sat between your legs. you call out to him.


"hm?" he looks away from his book, now his gaze is on you. you gave him a soft peck on the lips. you have a thing for giving him pecks on the lips nowadays.

then you said,

"my mega schlong is bigger than yours."

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