Lee Eun-hyuk x fem!reader sad/fluff

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Eun Hyuk has eyes everywhere in the Green House apartment building — as much as he possibly can, at least. He's used to studying efficiently,to taking as much information from a page as possible in a single glance. He'd never thought his abilities would be used in that way. That he'd end up sitting in front of footage coming from surveillance cameras, making sure not to let anything go unnoticed, because that would be the best way for him to be helpful to the people around him.

Oh, he doesn't just do that. He's taken up most of the tasks that require organization, wouldn't trust others with it, if he's being honest, but this is where he spends the bulk of his days. In front of a screen. Staring. His books forgotten and gathering dust in a corner of the room.

He doesn't get distracted. If his eyes linger when you appear in front of ones of the cameras, it's just because you've been vocal about thinking that other solutions were needed, and he doesn't want you to endanger everyone by trying to put one of them in action. That's all there is to it. He doesn't have time for anything else anyway.

So when one of his screens flickers, he notices immediately. His mind starts running through the possibilities as he leans toward it, all of them bad. Any kind of system failure would be disastrous. Loss of electricity would be close to a death sentence. A camera being destroyed could mean that the monsters are getting better at finding them, smarter, which would mean they're evolving.

And the last possibility, that he's having a hallucination because his monsterization symptoms are progressing...

Well, he coldly evaluates, it would depend. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad, if the residents could evacuate before he loses control completely.

When the screen lights back on, and he's met with his own eerily smiling face and eyes gone completely black, he's almost relieved.

Good, he thinks. I'll be able to help as long as the cameras work.

"Will you?" his other self asks as it spreads to the other screens like a virus, voice coming out like a screech through the speakers. "Are you sure you're helping them?"

He supposes it shouldn't surprise him that the monster knows how to get under his skin, and yet he sits straighter at the question.

"Of course I am. Without me—"

"Maybe if they'd run when they wanted to, most of them would be safe right now," the monster says, admitting out loud a fear that's been eating at Eun Hyuk since the very start of this forced confinement. "Maybe you're killing them by making them stay here. And really..." It laughs, high-pitched and maniacal. "Using that kid when you'd never have the guts to step out there by yourself?"

"I would," Eun Hyuk protests, even if he's aware that there is no actual argument happening here. "But I'm not the same kind of infected person as him. And I'm doing my part here. It's not like..."

"Like you're sending a kid out to be tortured only so he can be ostracized here? Sure looks like it."

"It's not," Eun Hyuk repeats, weaker this time.

The monster opens its mouth to speak once more, when there is a soft knock on the door.

"Eun Hyuk?"

It's you, and the monster's face lights up as Eun Hyuk's heart rate picks up.

Out of fear, surely. He doesn't want you to know about his issues.

"Well how about that?" The monster practically purrs. "The thing you won't let yourself have. Won't even admit how badly you want—"

Eun Hyuk's not really thinking when he picks up one of his notebooks to throw it at the screen. It bounces without any effect, of course, and the monsters starts laughing once more, until that's all Eun Hyuk can hear, while it gets louder and louder and louder and—

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