Vol 1.5 Juanedice & The Forever Fall

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(N/n) = nickname
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
——————————————————Narrator's p.o.v

We open the scene to see Jaune battling against Cardin, well it's more of an one sided beating. Jaune is using his sword to steady himself as he takes deep breaths as Cardin just laughs at him

Jaune: come on...

Jaune then rushes Cardin and goes for a downward slash only for the brute to dodge the attack then swings his mace and hits Jaune to the ground. But Jaune doesn't give up and rushes back at Cardin again and slashes once more, but Cardin blocks the attack and over powers Jaune

Cardin: this is the part where you lose

Jaune: over my dead—

Cardin then kicks Jaune in the stomach knocking the wind, making the blond swordsman collapse to the ground, Jaune then looks up to see that Cardin has raised his mace over his head ready to end things, until a sound of a buzzer goes off and Glynda walks forward

Glynda: Cardin, that's enough. *Cardin out the way* Students, as you can see Me. Arc's aura now dropped into the red in a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and the offical may call the match. Mister Arc, it's been weeks now please try to refer to your scroll during combat, *Jaune grabs scroll from his back pocket and looks at it* gauging your aura will help to decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it's better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now would we?

Cardin: speak for yourself... *walks off the stage*

Glynda: remember everyone! The Vytal Festival is only a few months away it won't be long before students from other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing. Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale

AFS Glynda finishes her speech the bell rings signalling that class is over, as teams RWBY, JNPR and KitsuKami make their way to cafeteria for lunch. Once everyone gets their food and drinks they all sit together and some time after Nora starts to tell a story, as Blake reads her book, Weiss is filling her nails, Jaune poking his food and (Y/n) keeping an eye on Velvet

Nora: so... there we were... in the middle of the night...

Ren: it was day...

Nora: we were surrounded by Ursai

Ren: they were Beowolves


Ren: two of'em

Nora: but they were no match and in the end... Ren and took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!

Ren: ah... she's been having this reoccurring dream for nearly a month now...

Pyrrha: Jaune... are you okay?

Jaune: huh? Oh, yeah, why?

Ruby: it just that you seem a little... not okay...

Jaune: eh, guys, I'm fine... seriously look! *gives a thumbs up but nervously laughs*

Rao: you are a terrible liar, Jaune

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