Vol 1.10 Yanging Around Town

451 11 1

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(N/n) = nickname
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
——————————————————Narrator's p.o.v

We open the scene to see Yang and (Y/n) are in a sparring match as Ruby watches from the sidelines as Yang throws a right hook (Y/n) dodges the attack with ease and delivers a calf kick, then delivers a right leopard punch to Yang's left shoulder, which Yang then throws a wild haymaker only for (Y/n) to push the attack away knocking Yang off balance and deliver a swift knee to the stomach and an stinging elbow to side of Yang's neck

Yang: *gets back into her stance* damn it, how am I getting so tired, and those damned kicks are getting annoying and starting to hurt

(Y/n): you lack discipline, you're letting your emotions take over

Yang: oh yeah? Well let's see you try dodging this! *slams her fists together*

(Y/n) notices Yang's hair start to faintly glow as the blondie's eyes turn blood red, Yang then throws your typical boxing combination and tries to go for an upper cut, only for (Y/n) to side step the attack and deliver another calf kick, which Yang retaliates with a right hook allowing (Y/n) to land a powerful leopard punch into the Yang's diaphragm, making the blondie land flat on her ass then gets on her hands and knees and spits out some blood and starts gasping for air as her eyes and hair returns to normal

Ruby: ah Yang! *rushes over to her Sister* are you ok!?

(Y/n): she's fine, Ruby. Her body is just recoiling from the shock

Ruby: how hard did you hit her?

(Y/n): I didn't hit her too hard, I just hit her hard enough to subdue her

Ruby: oh ok, so her Aura should be able to heal her then

(Y/n): yes it should. Now question Ruby, did you see the fighting style I was using?

Ruby: I did, but um I don't exactly know what you used, sorry...

(Y/n): it's fine Ruby, but the fighting style I was using Leopard Style kung fu

Ruby: oh you mean the fighting style you want to teach me?!

(Y/n): indeed, now Yang how are you feeling?

Yang: I think I'll survive, man that smarts

(Y/n): your Aura will sustain your injuries

Yang: I know. *stands back up with Ruby's help* Also, what's this about training my Sister?

(Y/n): I want to train Ruby the Leopard style king fu, since we all know that Ruby can't fight in a hand to hand situation

Yang: I know, I tried to teach her hand to hand, but it got hairy real fast as an Ursa appeared and I nearly got my Aura shattered but we survived with no major injuries

(Y/n): I see, well I think we should start your training soon Ruby

Ruby: can start it now, please? Weiss found out that I haven't finished an assignment yet and I really don't want to do it

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