Vol 1.7 A Day With Ruby

593 11 0

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(N/n) = nickname
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
——————————————————Narrator's p.o.v

We open the scene to see Ruby wearing more casual clothes as she's making her way to the training hall to meet up with (Y/n) and once she walks into the hall she sees Jaune struggling to keep his balance as (Y/n) pokes him with a Kendo stick

(Y/n): tighten up your core, Jaune. And focus on your breathing, if you want to be a good leader you have to keep calm in the most intense situations and a controlled breathe can help you focus on the situation better

Ruby: woah, she's really making him work for it

(Y/n) then pokes the back of Jaune's knees making him collapse to hands and knees as (Y/n) step in front of him and crouches down

(Y/n): well done Jaune, you did well today. Go and rest up, I believe Pyrrha has something install for your training with her this afternoon *offers Jaune her hand*

Jaune: *groans and takes (Y/n)'s hand to stand up* thanks (Y/n), I'm going to get some breakfast

(Y/n): you do that

Jaune and (Y/n) bow at each other then Jaune takes his leave and as he passes Ruby they give each other a fist bump as Jaune leaves the building and Ruby walks towards (Y/n)

(Y/n): *puts away the kendo stick* yes Ruby, how may I help you?

Ruby: you're training Jaune a bit intensely

(Y/n): what I'm doing with him, is the bare minimum of what I teach at my village

Ruby: what do you teach at your village?

(Y/n): a variety of different things, ranging to what Jaune just did to perfecting a martial art technique

Ruby: oh wow! You teach all that?

(Y/n): not all of it, I only teach the basics and what I did with Jaune

Ruby: cool, say are you free today at all?

(Y/n): why do you ask? Are you trying to skip out on Weiss giving you an earful?

Ruby: what? No! I'm up to date with my homework!

(Y/n): I'm only teasing Ruby, I'm free today

Ruby: do you want to join me and go down to Vale?

(Y/n): sure—

Ruby: yes!

(Y/n): but—

Ruby: no!

(Y/n): I would like to see how you are in hand to hand combat

Ruby: *groans* why!?

(Y/n): you can't always rely on your weapon, Ruby. Say that you got your weapon knocked out of hands?

Ruby: I'll just use my Semblance to get my weapon back

(Y/n): but what happens if you can't get it, then what?

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