Celestial Trailer

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(N/n) = nickname
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
——————————————————Narrator's p.o.v

The world of Remnant is a place bound with life of many kinds from animals to Humans and Faunus, but it's shrouded by a Darkness that created creatures called Grimm. Humans and Faunus have not seen eye to eye causing civil wars amongst them creating The White Fang; formerly known as a rights activist group turned terrorist group, but there's a village that's south of Argus called Kamiki Village that both Humans and Faunus live in peace. This all due to the deity that watches over the village and protecting the inhabitants from the creatures of Grimm

As now we see that Kamiki Village is under siege as Grimm storm through the village as an old turtle Faunus called Oogway makes his way up a flight of stone stairs until they reach a shrine with a statue of the most beautiful woman he's ever seen

Oogway: *kneels before the statue* O Heavenly One, I come before you to ask that you awaken from your slumber and please shine your divine light and help us fight off the Demons of Darkness

Oogway then grabs the Solar Flare Reflector from off his shell and places it in front of the statue which bursts into flames and flies at the woman and places itself on the woman's back, the statue then shines white making the turtle Faunus shields his eyes from the heavenly light, once the light dies down Oogway looks upon the statue to see a woman standing where the statue once stood

Oogway: ah! Such divine white light! Such beauty and grace. The only one capable of such a wondrous spectacle is none other then our Mother and origin of all that is, Amaterasu

(Y/n): *hops down from the pedestal and looks at Oogway* please stand my friend, tell me what is happening?

Oogway: *stands back up* Grimm have breached the outer wall and will start ransacking the village as we speck, most of the villagers have taken refuge in the Jade Palace. Please Amaterasu, now is the time. We have never needed your power more. Shine your divine light upon this broken and polluted world. Let your heavenly rays become our hope as you guide us all!

(Y/n): of course, please make your way back to the Jade Palace, your time hasn't come yet

Oogway nods at (Y/n) as the Celestial Faunus makes her way to the stone steps and leaps off and takes on her falcon form and dives bomb to where some guards are holding back the Grimm. Once close enough (Y/n) retakes her humanoid form and throws the reflector at a Alpha Beowolf which makes contact with the monster and sets it ablaze turning it into dust

Guard#1: no way! I don't believe it!

Guard#2: the Alpha was just incinerated, just like that, huh? *watches where the reflector goes* That old hermit actually did it

Guard#1: *looks where the other Guard is looking* yeah, you're right. Master Oogway actually got her

Both Guards get back to the fight with more determination behind their attacks making (Y/n) smile at the sight, she then takes her wolf form and sprints straight into the conflict and bites onto a Beringel's neck and tears it out it's neck then pounces onto a Ursa and digs her claws into it and mauls to death

Once back in her human form, (Y/n) notices that the Sun was setting on the horizon, so she summons her Celestial Brush and faces towards the sky opposite of the setting Sun and draws a circle in the air as if it was paper. And as the Sun sets the night sky comes and goes as the Sun raises once again making it easier for the Human guards to see the Grimm. (Y/n) then spins around and slashes a stroke of the brush at the Grimm as a majority are slashed cleanly in half as the heavier plated Grimm withstood the slash but most of their armour is destroyed as byproduct

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