Leah glanced around, then shrugged. "I don't see her," she replied, her eyes narrowing slightly as she surveyed the room.

Then, suddenly, I felt someone jump on my back the way only she would do, then sing right into my ears with that iconic Irish accent; "she was a Gooner, now she's a gunner, Vale Villanueva, she is our new shooter!"

I couldn't help but laugh as Katie's familiar voice echoed in my ears, her infectious energy filling the room with warmth and laughter. With a grin, I reached up to grab her around the waist, hoisting her up in a playful embrace as she clung to my shoulders, her laughter ringing out like music to my ears.

"Katie McCabe, you absolute nutter!" I exclaimed, spinning around in a circle with her still clinging to my back.

"Oi, a week without seeing your annoying face, it was almost too good to be true, mate," Katie said, grinning cheekily as she finally hopped down from my back, only to punch my side playfully.

Katie's playful punch elicited a mock wince from me, but I couldn't contain the grin that spread across my face as I returned her gesture with a playful shove. "Fuck off, you missed me."

Katie rolled her eyes at my words, and walked to Leah, taking her in her arms. "This one I missed." She said, flipping me off and offering me her signature smirk.

Leah laughed, returning Katie's embrace with a warm smile. "Missed you too, Kitkat," she replied affectionately, squeezing Katie tightly before pulling back to look at her. "How was camp? Good?"

"Yeah, alright. I mean, we lost both games so that sucked, but it was friendly so who cares." Katie shrugged nonchalantly.

"Hey, girls, what's up?" I heard someone say behind me, and I turned to see Steph approaching, a wide grin on her face as she enveloped me and Leah in a warm hug.

We spent the next two hours or so greeting everyone, catching up on each other's lives, and joking around.

It was crazy how much I had missed those girls even though we had only been away from each other for a week. Leah was right, they all had grown to become my family. And a family way better than the one I grew up with.

After eating, Katie and I escaped to the backyard so we could do some shoots and kicks. It was still cold in London, but we were almost in spring, and I was kind of getting used to the weather.

With a makeshift goal set up at one end of the yard, we took turns sending the ball flying into the net, each shot accompanied by shouts of encouragement and playful banter.

"Top bins, Vale, top bins!" Katie cheered as I lined up my shot, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I grinned back at her, determination fueling my movements as I focused on the goal ahead. With a swift kick, I sent the ball soaring through the air, watching with satisfaction as it sailed into the top corner of the net with pinpoint accuracy.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, pumping my fist in the air as Katie cheered beside me. "Did you see that, McCard? That's how it's done!"

"Damn, mate, what you eat today? You're making every shot!" Katie teased, her eyes widening in mock astonishment as she retrieved the ball from the net.

I chuckled at her words, my cheeks suddenly tainted in pink when I replied with a low voice; "more about who I ate."

Katie burst into laughter at my cheeky remark, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she playfully nudged my shoulder. "Yeah yeah, very funny," she said, rolling her eyes, clearly not believing me.

I grinned back at Katie, unable to suppress the playful twinkle in my eyes as I shrugged nonchalantly. "Hey, you asked," I replied with a wink.

Katie froze for a second, looking at me right in the eyes. "No. Fucking. Way." she then said, and I giggled at her words. "You did the thing?"

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now