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2 weeks...

2 weeks pass...

2 weeks pass still jk didn't come to take Taehyung.

His father always taunt tae same goes to his mother and family members too.

They suggest him to forget about him, every events and his invalid marriage.

Tae just ignore their comments while waiting for his husband every second.

Those words are not affected him still it hurts, devasted nd crying everytime

"Taetae! Have your breakfast baby." His mother said while walked inside his room he nods while wiped tears hurriedly and sat on the bed.

"Again crying! How many times I told you Taehyung don't cry for a cheater and you will fall sick if you keep crying non-stop." Mom speak he nods while took tray weakly he took seat infront him.

"You become pale, more thin and lost your glow." He said caressing cheeks tae held hand his mother sighed while pulled away his hand back.

Tae start having his meal while sniffed in between munching his meal, gulped his portion with so much difficulties.

His mother feel pity, sad and guilty too while wiped his stubborn tears which continuously falling without his will.

"Emm your father searching a groom for you." He said calmly without look at his son tae slow his munching but didn't glance him nor this affect him much.

He knows already they will pull stunt like this. But he can't understand one think why only marriage is solution of every problems. 🤷🏻‍♀️

"Thank you for the meal." Tae mumble he nods while pecked on his forehead and took the tray, made his way.


... Some Days Later ...

"Wear something nice Taehyung! They will come at evening to see you." Joon said he looked at him blankly he sigh while went outside of his room.

Tae closed his eyes helplessly, tears fall on his dry rosy cheeks then leaned on the bed's headboard while breathing erotically.

"Come soon hubby or else I'll die before they marry me off to someone else" Tae whispered said while whimper in pain and caresses his heart softly and lay on the bed crying.


"You didn't change your clothes, yet." His mother asked in disbelief while he opened closet for taking out some of his outfit.

"I'm not going downstair." Tae whisper he turned towards him while ignoring
his words and asked him be ready they are waiting.

"Then, ask them to LEAVE, mom!" Tae said while give him tight lipped smiled while emphasize on leave word he sigh and sat beside him.

"Why are you making us to force you." He said tae rolled his eyes mumbling 'you both always forced your decision on me but this time i'll only listen to my heart.'

He covered himself inside the duvet he sighed while caresses his forehead and caresses his back.

"Your father will get angry if you didn't come downstair in 5 minutes.' He said.

"I'm not com... Aha...haaa mo..m." Tae
whimpered in pain while clenching his abdomen his mother got worried.

"What happened bub?!" He ask while cupping his face he mumble 'paining.'

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