Why are we trusting Bane?

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CARIBBEAN SEA, July 22, 20:08 ECT

"We're approaching Santa Prisca," M'gann states. As we near the mission's island destination. "Drop zone A in 30," After the announcement, Aqualad stands up, the seat melting back into the bioship.

"Ready," he affirmed.

"You sure you don't need a hand?" I asked him.

"I'm sure my friend." Kaldur nodded.

"Putting the bioship in camouflage mode," M'gann nodded, and a hole opened.

M'gann kept the Bioship hovering over drop zone A so that Aqualad could jump through, straight into the ocean below. I stayed where we were, about two miles offshore until we got a sign from Kaldur that it was clear to move forward.

"Heat and motion sensors are patched. Data is now on a continuous loop. Move-in," Aqualad's voice rang from the comms, as M'gann moved us forward.

"Drop zone B," the Martian announced, dropping lines for those of us who can't fly to attach onto.

"How cool is this?" KF asked, turning to M'gann while showing off his newly upgraded suit. He pressed the emblem on his chest, and the familiar yellow and red turned dark into stealth camouflage.

"Very impressive," M'gann smiled before changing her uniform to black and red using her mental abilities.

"Uh, that works, too," KF stuttered. I nudged him to refocus, and he turned away. "Hey, Supey, not too late to put on the new stealth tech," he adds, looking over to the boy of steel. "You too, Archie, we could hook you up with a new costume," KF smirked.

"That's sweet, KF, but I'll take my own getup," I smiled.

"No capes, no tights, no offense," Superboy crossed his arms as the attention shifted to him.

"It totally works for you in that you can totally do good work in those clothes," M'gann stuttered.

Oh yeah that girl had it bad...

As 23 came upon drop site B, the holes in the bottom of the bioship appeared once more, and the lines followed. Hooking myself to the dropline, I sent one look to everyone before sliding down. The rest followed after, except for Superboy, he chose to jump instead.

"Knew I didn't need a line," Superboy smirked after the dirt cleared from his impact with the ground.

"And yet creating a seismic event may not have helped us much with the covert," Robin stressed.

I was still upset at Robin and, afterall, there were some things about myself that I would've preferred not to share.

"Aqualad, drop B is a go," M'gann informs over comms.

"Head for the factory. I'll track your GPS and rendezvous ASAP," was his reply.

"Roger that," Rob replies as he pulls something up using his wrist computer and hologlove. We all scan the screen before heading off. I walked through the jungle for a while, quiet and alert. Robin was leading and so keeping my distance, I stayed beside KF.

"Did you hear that?" Superboy asks abruptly

"Uh, no," KF replied with an attitude and pinched brows.

"Wait. Is this a super hearing thing?" I question.

"You do have great ears," M'gann comments dreamily. I smirk.The girl really did have it bad.

"Ok, Rob, now what?" KF asks, and we all turn to where the Boy Wonder had been mere moments ago. "Man, I hate it when he does that!"

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