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"It was clearly created to sabotage or destroy you," Aqualad decided as we looked at the robot's remains, we had laid them out in the main training area at HQ.

"Agreed," Red Tornado concurs.

"Is that why you wouldn't help us?" M'gann asked.

"No. This was your battle. I do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you. Nor should you solve mine for me," Tornado explains.

"But if you're in danger-" M'gann begins

"Consider this matter closed," Tornado interrupts, before walking away.

"Batman, Aquaman, Canary, or Flash, they'd have jumped right in to fix things," Wally muttered.

"Guess if we're gonna have a baby sitter; a heartless machine is exactly what we need," Robin comments.

"Dude! Harsh," Wally scolds.

"Not cool," I agree.

"And inaccurate. I have a heart; carbon-steel alloy. I also have excellent hearing," Red Tornado spoke up as he walked.

"Heh. Right. Sorry. I'll strive to be more accurate," Robin decided.

"And more respectful," Aqualad adds before Red walks away.

I smiled looking back to the boys, "You know," I called, grabbing their attention.

"Speedy was wrong," Wally offered, and you nodded at him.

"This team thing," Robin added.

"Might just work out," Kaldur concluded.

Wally and Aqualad lead me toward the kitchen and living room as I walk beside Robin. Robin grabbed my arm, waiting for Wally to be out of earshot.

"What happened out there? As soon as Twister made the skies go dark you totally froze." the Boy Wonder interrogated.

"No," I managed to crack a small smile, "It's nothing major."

"But you're scared of something," he pressed.

"Everybody's scared of something," I said blankly.

"But you just... Froze." Robin frowned, "I've never seen you so scared like that on a mission."

"I don't really know what happened either." I shrugged, "I just... Froze..."

"You were scared. What happened back there?" Robin pressed. I frowned and pulled away from him.

"Nothing happened. It wasn't anything serious, right? Besides, we finished the mission anyway." I say.

"The fact that you're avoiding eye contact and your voice pitch is higher says otherwise." Robin crossed his arms.

"Leave it, Robin. I'm fine, we're fine, everything else is fine." I say and leave, "Look, I get that we're friends so you're worried about me but... Just... drop it." I felt guilty as I heard my cold voice, I hated that voice. I hated lying to Robin.

As I entered the locker room, I splashed my face with water. Sighing as I looked up and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

Again, I saw the familiar features staring back at me, but it was more than just her physical appearance. It was the subtle nuances that sent a chill down my spine.

I had always been told that I resembled my parents. People always told me that 'Oh you have your fathers eyes' or. 'Oh you act just like your mother sometimes'.

At first, it had been a source of pride—a reminder of the bond we shared as a family. Nevertheless, I never knew I would've grown to resent these things. My father's sharp tongue and my mothers tendency to lie. Like a distorted mirror image I couldn't escape.

It was a sobering realization, one that filled me with a sense of dread. I didn't want to admit it, but I knew that I had inherited more than just her parents' physical traits.

My eyes were as bright as the raging sun and the color of dancing flames. And the color of anger that made me, ironically, angry. I grit my teeth as I bashed the mirror.

A mirror that trapped me in this harsh reality.

Shattered shards of glass fell to the floor as I backed away, good thing I was still wearing my shoes. My hand said otherwise.

"Fuck..." I muttered under my breath as pieces of glass got caught in my hand. This always happens. I get destructive and angry just like my father.

And then I get sad and mopey and lie about my feelings like my mother. I didn't want to be a burden. Funny that that was what my mother thought too.

It was just a cycle of happiness and sadness and anger that sometimes I wanted to just... Not feel. Sometimes I think that it'd be easier to just... stop.

I looked at the cracked mirror, which distorted my face. Someone would have to fix that later. For now, I'd have to go to med bay and get my hand fixed up.

At least I didn't break my ankle this time. Although it does feel kinda sore.

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