Where is Roy?

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MOUNT JUSTICE, July 17, 23:16 PDT

I was at the cave on comms with the boys as they raced through Star City. Today was the last day that I would be stuck on crutches, and none of the boys were willing to let me go with them.

They had decided that it was better not to risk it since I could possibly injure myself further, even though I could've done circles around them, then and there.

"The cave is perfect. It has everything the team will need," I heard Aqualad explain to Roy, they had tagged along. "For covert missions, you know, spy stuff," Robin continued.

"And wait till you see Superboy and Miss Martian," Wally cheered, before sobering for a moment, "But I saw her first."

I was watching through a live feed that Robin was sending. Twirling my hair and monitored the four boys as they took down the deal.

"High-density polyurethane foam. Nice," Wally compliments, as Roy takes out the last guy with one of his special arrows.

"So, Speedy, you in?" I held my breath, as Robin asked him.

"Pass," his voice was monotone, as he responded nearly immediately. "I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do," he huffed.

"Robin put me through," I requested through the comms.

"I don't need a babysitter or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids," Roy continued as my face appeared on Robin's wrist computer, sunglasses and all. "Your Junior Justice League is a joke. Something to keep you busy and in your place," he lamented now looking directly at me

"Don't be like that Speedy, please. Just give it a try, come home," I pleaded.

Roy Harper knew everything about me, he trained right beside me and he was my brother 'till the end of the line. I had lost my family when I was younger but got lucky when Dinah took me in. Eventually, I met Ollie and Roy through her and Roy became my brother, he was the person I was closest to growing up.

I wasn't ready to lose him.

His glare hardened as he looked at me, all aspects of his boyish charm seemed to disapparate, and he shook his head, "I don't want any part of it."

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