What is Project Kr?

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It didn't take us long to exit the Hall, not with all our mentors out busy. There was no one to stop us afterall.

Wally sped ahead as the rest of us took off. Cadmus Labs was relatively close, and I could see the smoke rising before I spotted the building itself. By the time I made it over, Firemen were out front and Wally was dangling over the edge of a building.

"So smooth," Robin mused as I spotted the yellow-and-red dressed speedster, hanging half out the window.

"Does he always have to run ahead?" I asked rhetorically, before running and climbing up onto the fire truck. Robin was right behind me, and as I ran out of the truck to run on, he used his grappling hook and placed his arm around my waist before swinging us both up into the building.

As soon as we landed, I turned around and offered my hand to KF.

"Thanks, beautiful, could've fallen," KF winked at you.

"Don't tempt me to push you," I roll my eyes with a smile, causing Robin to chuckle as he connects to the mainframe.

Aqualad joins the three of us a moment later, his voice laced with slight annoyance, "Appreciate the help," he huffed.

"You handled it," I say.

"Besides, we're here to investigate," Robin adds as he continues to hack into the building's system.

"Poetic justice, remember?" I reminded him while looking over Rob's shoulder.

Aqualad's distracted mumbles pulled my attention away from what Robin was doing, "There was something in the-"

I moved towards the hall with Wally and Kaldur, something felt weird.

"Elevators should be locked down," KF states, and I realize he's right, during a fire like this, they shouldn't be operational.

"Something's wrong," I add, eyes dancing around, searching for something, anything. The buzz from my pen is vibrating. "Definitely wrong."

"Thought so," Robin muttered. "This is a high-speed express elevator. It doesn't belong in a two-story building," he explains, looking at something on his wrist computer.

"Neither does what I saw," Aqualad adds before pushing the elevator doors open.

"And that's why they need an express elevator," I decide, poking my head through and looking down the shaft that seems to go much lower than two stories.

Robin comes up behind me and grabs my waist once more before shooting another grappling hook. What's up with Robin grabbing me by my waist all the time?

"Hey!" I let out a yell of surprise as I was pulled down the shaft.

"Scared?" Robin questions, and though I wasn't looking at him, I could hear the smirk.

"Shut up," I mumbled. "I was just caught off guard." We both slid until the rope ended. Looking around, I noticed we had reached SL 26; Sub Level 26.

"I'm at the end of my rope," Robin mused before the two of us started to swing ourselves back and forth, gaining enough momentum so we could jump.

When we did, I landed against the wall and grabbed onto the pipe. Robin landed against me and we kept our backs against the wall. Robin had just opened his wrist computer when Aqualad and KF stopped beside us.

"Bypassing security," he told us, and after a second, he dropped his hand with a nod. "There! Go!" Robin exclaims, allowing Aqualad to push the new set of elevator doors open.

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