My eyes traced the graceful movements of Leah's body, appreciating the visual poetry in every gesture. Yet, it wasn't just the sight that drew me in; it was the entire sensory experience.

As Leah moved, a subtle fragrance enveloped the air. Leah didn't only look amazing. She smelled wonderful too.

Then, there was her taste. The taste of her lips. The taste of her skin.

The taste of Leah lingered on my lips, a subtle and intoxicating flavor that left me longing for more. It was a delicate dance of sensations, each touch and kiss leaving an imprint on my senses.

When the sound of Leah's laughter filled the room, it added another layer to the sensory symphony. I loved Leah's voice. Loved Leah's laugh. Loved to hear Leah sing.

When Leah spoke, her voice held a melodic quality, a soothing rhythm that resonated with my soul. The cadence of her words, and the way she expressed herself, it was all a part of the intricate melody that was Leah Williamson.

With that came all the songs that made me think of her. And there were so many. In English, in Spanish. So many words conveyed in so many songs. Not a single one could describe how much I loved the girl.

And then there was touch — the feeling of Leah's hand in mine, the sensation of our intertwined fingers. Every touch, every caress, every lingering kiss Leah would drop on my skin. The softness of her skin against mine, the warmth her body emanated at all times, contrasting with my ever-cold skin. The contrast in temperatures, the meeting of warmth and coolness, only heightened the tactile sensations that I experienced.

"What are you dreaming about?" Leah asked, surprising me. I hadn't even realized she was still looking at me.

I looked back at her, a soft smile playing on my lips. "You so wanna know don't you?"

Leah grinned, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Maybe I do. Your smile says it's something good."

I chuckled, my fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on Leah's naked skin. "If you only had one sense left, which one would it be?"

Leah tilted her head, considering the question. "I'd choose touch. If I keep touch, you'll still be able to guide me, by holding my hand, by kissing my lips. And I can still play the Piano. And even if I can't hear it, I can feel it underneath my fingers."

Leah's gaze. Leah's voice. Leah's smile. It all felt so intoxicating.

She ran her fingers through my hair, a gentle touch that sent shivers down my spine. "Was that what you were daydreaming about?"

I paused, taking a deep breath, like I was drugging myself with Leah's smell. "No," I lied. "I was thinking about how crazy in love I am with you."

Leah smiled, a warm and genuine expression that mirrored the affection in her eyes. "You say the sweetest things, Valentina."

I couldn't help but grin at Leah's response. "Only because they're true," I replied softly, my voice filled with sincerity as I reached out to gently stroke her cheek with the back of my hand.

Our moment got interrupted quickly when the door swung open, Drayton running into the room and jumping to get on the bed.

I automatically lifted the bedsheets up and over our bodies, while Leah laughed and reached out to pet Drayton, who was wagging his tail furiously at the sight of us.

"Good morning, Drayton," Leah greeted him with a warm smile, scratching behind his ears as he nuzzled against her hand.

"Morning, buddy," I added, unable to suppress a smile at the sight of them interacting.

Leah glanced up at me, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Looks like someone's excited to see us," she remarked, her voice filled with affection as she continued to pet Drayton.

I scoffed softly at her words, rolling my eyes. "Talk about a passion killer," I mumbled, as Drayton laid down right between us, making himself comfortable on the bed.

Leah giggled at my words, reaching out to grab my hand. I intertwined our fingers together, our eyes locked.

We stood silent for a few seconds, drowning in each other's gaze.

Silence felt so nice when I was with her.

"Come live with me. Both of you." Leah suddenly said, her voice soft and low, yet determined. She didn't have an inch of doubt about what she was asking me.

I took a moment to process her words, feeling a rush of emotions coursing through me. The idea of living with Leah, waking up next to her every morning, sharing our lives together—it was both exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure. What if things didn't work out? What if we ended up driving each other crazy? What if she didn't like how I always left my socks lying around or how I snored like a freight train after a big game?

Beth had told me Leah was thinking about it. I didn't believe her. Maybe I should have.

I was still a lost kid, sometimes. Leah had told me that. I had told her that. It was still true.

I was scared, and I was immature, sometimes. I could even be self-destructive. I was afraid of commitment, afraid of getting hurt, afraid of letting someone in and then losing them. I was afraid of hurting Leah, the way people before me had. Afraid of letting her down, of not being enough for her. And terrified of breaking her heart.

"Valentina, I-" Leah had started. I immediately interrupted her.

"Yes." I said, plain and simple.

Leah's eyes widened in surprise, a shy smile gracing her beautiful lips. "Yes?" She asked. She thought I was going to say no. I could hear it in her voice.

I might be scared. It wasn't going to be perfect. We were going to fight over futile details, and we were going to annoy each other so bad sometimes.

But I didn't care. It was part of the package, wasn't it? Part of the deal. And I wanted it all. So once again, I said, in a voice sweating serenity and love; "Yes."

"Yes? Are you sure?" Leah repeated, and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Absolutely not, no. But if I gotta fuck up and make mistakes, might as well do it with the girl of my dreams."

Leah's eyes shone with unshed tears as she reached out to cup my face in her hands, her touch warm and comforting against my skin. "Valentina," she murmured softly, her voice filled with emotion as she leaned in to press a tender kiss to my lips. "You're a smooth talker, and a hopeless romantic. But fuck, I love you."

I giggled at her words, my cheeks surely tainted in pink. "I love you too, baby."

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora