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Laurent was like a man possessed. He not only had his business to take care of, but had taken it upon himself to ensure that the business of his lady love, who was fighting for her life, should be ready and waiting for her when she opened her eyes. His mind, body and soul were connected to three places at once, his own business, Donna, who was doing an excellent job on Jacqueline's behalf and the ICU unit in a rural hospital. His energy seemed boundless, and he never felt more alive than when he was one inch away from imploding. He had given the attending physician strict instructions to contact him as soon as there was a change in her condition, and everytime he phoned the answer was always the same… no change.

"Have something to eat Mr. Ferrier," Jamaica wailed, noticing his weight loss and dark circles under his eyes.

"Please Mr. Ferrier, won't you eat something?" Dixie asked with tears in her eyes whenever she saw him.

Mr. and Mrs. Dupont had taken leave from work and stayed at the farm until Jacqueline's condition improved. The women got along famously by exchanging family recipes while cooking up a storm. Tom showed Henri around the farm while explaining everything he knew about breeding horses.

After work, Laurent drove to the hospital, sat with Jacqueline until late, kissed her goodnight and stopped by the farm from where he drove back to town.


"Mr. Ferrier, the supplier of our clothing rails, told me he can only supply us with one hundred, and I need three hundred. I have phoned just about everyone I know without success," Donna phoned Laurent around ten o'clock one night.

"Leave it to me," he said.

He made some calls and by eleven o'clock he had found an out-of-town manufacturer who was willing to fill the order.

"I will pay you double if you can have it delivered by morning."

"Good Mr. Ferrier."

The manufacturer rounded his people out of bed, loaded the truck, and the driver drove all night. Early the next morning the truck pulled up at the warehouse.

The Atelier in Ferrier Tower was fully operational, and the mall shop was up and running. The remodeling of the High Street mega flagship store was completed and ready to be stocked.

Beverly had, in the meantime, done a great job in keeping the social media pages going, advertising the grand opening of the mall store while creating a continuous buzz around the launch of the High Street store.

Letters of sympathy poured in for Jacqueline's well-being and speedy recovery. Jacqueline had, since her first customer, never disappointed anyone, no matter how big or small the order was. Their clothes were always designed in good taste, the final product was of exceptional quality and always delivered on time. When her regular clients heard about the fires they opened their hearts and checkbooks and donated generously to the rebuilding of the business of a girl whom they greatly admired and respected.

Money. What's the point of having a lot of money when it's rotting in the bank while Jacqueline needs it? She has worked her fingers to the bone, poured every inch of her power and strength into her business, turned it into a huge success, only to have it snatched away by jealous people who can't equal her ability. Money is worthless if not used to attain one's goal, Laurent thought as he drove to the hospital one night after work. The surrounding area was wrapped in its customary dark cloak, and the only things lighting his way were the bobbing headlights of his car and a swarm of fireflies. Jacqueline would have loved to see this, he thought involuntary, and smiled. But she will, and very soon. She will join us again when the time is right.

He entered Jacqueline's room, kissed her, pulled up a chair, placed his arms on the bed, rested his head on it, and fell asleep. He did not remember the time or whether he was dreaming, but he felt a hand stroking his hair. He jumped up and saw Jacqueline's eyes open and smiling.

"Jacky, my love, you came back to me," Laurent said, shocked while fighting back the tears.

"Laurent, you look a mess. Go home and get some sleep," she said with difficulty.

"Doctor," Laurent shouted while rushing from the room, "Jacqueline's awake."

The doctor ordered him to remain outside while he carried out some tests. Laurent used the time to phone the farm and Donna, asking them to spread the good news.

"Everything is looking good Mr. Ferrier, but she's going to need a lot of rest. We'll transfer her to the general ward tomorrow, but we'll keep her for observation. You may see her now, but only for a short while."

Laurent went in, and when Jacqueline wanted to speak he motioned her to keep quiet. He sat on the bed, took her hand and said, "Thank you."

A lifetime of love and compassion was in his touch and in those two words. She understood, smiled, closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Laurent drove home, climbed into bed and slept the sleep of the grateful dead. The next morning he ate everything that was placed in front of him. In time he regained his normal weight and his eyes acquired its sparkling intentness.

After a week of intense observation, Jacqueline was released to the farm. Henri went back to work, and Calvin to college, while the three women, Anais, Candice, and Dixie cared for and fussed over her.

"Jacky," her mother said, "I know how stubborn you are and how difficult it is for you to accept help from anyone. I'm telling you now, you will stay in that bed for a week, and you shall not move from it. Should you need anything, please ring the bell. When you're back on your feet again you can be your old bullheaded self again, but until then, allow us to spoil and pamper you," Mrs. Dupont admonished her daughter in her stern voice.

"Thanks, mom," Jacqueline said. She knew they meant well and wished not to appear ungrateful.

"And no talk of business or anything in that line," she added as she closed the door behind her.

Jacqueline leaned back against the pillow in her room with the curtains drawn. In the distance she heard horses neighing,  pigs grunting, ducks quacking, cocks crowing, birds chirping and the wind whispering in the trees. It soothed her spirit, and healed the wounds of her loss. She did not know how she was going to restart her business, but she knew that giving up was not an option, she had too much to do, and too many people who depended on her.

The thought of what was still possible to her, energized her, and she gave a broad smile, knowing that her family would support her, no matter what. She felt no anger or malice towards the individuals who did this to her, because they will deserve what's coming their way. It will happen at a time when they least expect it. In the meantime, she had better things to occupy her mind with. She admired the vases filled with local flowers and imported tulips. It was Laurent's recreation of the first Derek Dryer painting she had seen on the walls of HC Emporium. At least this time she could smell and touch it, and there was nothing more satisfying than being surrounded by the real thing. It was his way of cheering her up in his absence, and she loved him for it.

By the second day, Jacqueline begged for her sketchpad and pencils. By the third day, and against her better judgment, Mrs. Dupont relented and they never heard a peep out of Jacky again. She had, for one brief moment, mourned the loss of the burnt collection, but she conceived a new and fantastic idea as a replacement. For close to a week she sketched, created color combinations, mood boards with trims and accessories including detailed technical drawings.

None of the family members stopped her or asked her to take it easy, because it would have fallen on deaf ears. However, they monitored her health closely, and even the doctor, who came to check on her, was satisfied with her progress. The ideas flowed uninterrupted and she worked from sunrise to sunset, and when she was done she put it in a file and placed it on her bedside table. In the morning it was gone, and when she questioned the household staff, none of them knew what had happened to it.

When she asked Laurent that evening about it, he said that he had given it to Donna for safekeeping.


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