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Since having given up all pretensions at being a fashion designer and influencer, Rose dedicated her life to shopping and partying, and found herself on familiar ground.  But at some point, she lost interest in that too, because how much shopping could a girl really do in a day? and her regular friends were slowly beginning to work on her nerves. What she missed was being married, and a suitable candidate had not made his appearance. She thought a lot about Laurent, and when an opportunity to see him arose, she jumped at the chance.

Mr. Huntington-Chase's business was growing by leaps and bounds and he was in the process of expansion. It required  the erection of another plant which would benefit his business immensely. He was at a loss for an architect, because the last one had seriously disappointed him. When Rose heard about her father's predicament, she regarded it as a blessing and a way of possibly getting what she wanted.
She marched into her father's man cave, sat close to him with the biggest smile on her face and said, "Here daddy, let me pour you another drink."

Richard looked at her through a column of cigar smoke and kept quiet. He knew his daughter well enough not to trust her. He waited for the shoe to drop, took a sip from the offered drink, a puff on his cigar, and reclined deeper into his chair.

Rose looked around her and said, "I still remember playing in this room when I was little. You always scolded me saying it's for boys only."

"It still is."

"Nothing has changed over the years. It still has the same color on the walls, and everything is exactly the way I remember it."

"There's a fresh coat of paint on the walls, albeit the same color, and I've moved some things around," he said.

After that brief interlude the silence weighed heavily between them. Mr. Huntington-Chase was in no mood to help her out, or coach her into a revelation. He was content to wait. He had a vague suspicion that she came begging for a bigger allowance and he had steeled his heart against it. He had heard of Rose's latest shopping marathon and he was not happy about it.

"Daddy, I've heard your business is doing well and that you're planning on building another plant. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you, Rose."

"I've also heard that you haven't chosen an architect. I know just the one, if you'll allow me to talk to him."

"How many times have I told you to stay out of my business? Involve yourself in your fashion business. From what I've heard , you are seriously neglecting it."

"Mother is taking care of it, daddy."

"What are your future plans, Rose?"

"To marry a rich man, daddy."


"As soon as you give me permission to invite Laurent to dinner."

"Why do you need my permission?"

"He is the best architect in town and CEO of Tom Ferrier &Sons, and comes from one of the most prominent families in the country. He is the one who  remodeled my store. Remember?"

"Remodeling a store is far removed from building an industrial plant, besides, you haven't answered my question. Why do you need my permission to invite him to dinner?"

"Because if you see him, and like him and give him the commission, he might consider marrying me."

"It's not a question of liking the man, but whether he can deliver, and second, why can't you find a man on your own?"

"I want him, daddy, and I want you to like him, and give him the job."

"Rose, you have my blessing to invite him to dinner, but you are under no circumstances allowed to offer him the commission. I'll do my own investigation and make my own decision on whether he is capable of building a doghouse, or not"

"Thank you daddy, that's all I want. Have a great day," she said as she kissed him on the forehead and flitted out of his sanctuary.

Richard gave a sigh like a man being led to the gallows. He took a sip of whiskey, a puff on his cigar, and closed his eyes, wishing the conversation never happened.


"Hello Laurent, it's been a long time," Rose said after having entered his office unannounced.

When the receptionist at the front desk had tried to stop her, she had simply said that Laurent is an old friend and that she had important business to discuss with him. Laurent stood bent over his drafting table with his hands pressed to its surface with sheets of technical drawings spread across it. It was the specs for a new factory and he was doing a final check before presenting it to the client. So far things were looking good, and he lifted his head when he heard Rose's voice behind him.

"Yes Rose, it has been," he said as he waved to her to take a seat.

She ignored it and seated herself on the edge of his desk.

Rose had taken extra care when dressing that morning. Her miniskirt was extra short, her blouse opened to expose her bra, her lips were painted a seductive red, and she wore thigh high boots. The outfit was designed to entice and seduce, and the fact that she sat on his desk, was meant to fully expose her assets. Had it been any other man, it might have worked, but Laurent eyed her coolly, took a seat behind his desk, and waited for her to speak.

"I like your office, it's nice and big, and that view from the window is magnificent," she said as she slipped from the desk, and while provocatively swaying her hips, sauntered over to the window. There were glass walls along three sides, allowing sunlight to flood his office.

"I agree," Laurent said patiently.

"You know, Laurent, we never see each other anymore. I would like it if we could spend more time together. The last time we saw each other was at the wedding, and I treasure that moment. Summer is coming, and I'd like for us to take a trip to the beach. I'd love to work on my tan."

"I've been busy," Laurent said flatly.

"With Jacqueline I suppose. The social media pages are full of your pictures."

Laurent kept quiet. He had no desire to discuss his personal life with Rose, or being provoked into a senseless argument.

"Daddy sent me over," she said after a while.
"What can I do for Mr. Huntington-Chase?"

"He would like you to come to dinner on Wednesday, if that is ok with you."


"What do you mean, why?"

"I mean, we're not in the habit of socializing. What does your father want to see me for?"

"Daddy has plans to extend his business, but he's stuck for the choice of an architect. If you come to dinner, you can convince him to give you the commission."

"I see," said Laurent.

"What do you see Laurent? All I see is a man who is hesitant to accept a dinner invitation and possibly make some money."

"I'm sorry Rose, but as you can see, I'm a little busy," Laurent said rising from his chair while taking a business card from the cardholder on his desk, "And give this to your father with my compliments, and convey my disappointment at not being able to join you for dinner. If he is interested in doing business with me, he is more than welcome to call me. Thanks for the visit. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot to get through, before my presentation later today."

Laurent went back to the drafting table and bent over his work, waiting for Rose to leave. By the way she was dressed and her flirtatious attitude he knew it was her idea to invite him, hoping that a possible romance would blossom between them, while swinging the carrot of a commission under his nose. He smiled when he heard her banging doors on her way out.
Rose had never been snubbed, and her advances so pointedly rejected. She hated Laurent and wished him all the bad luck in the world which included Jacqueline.


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