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Jacqueline had enough money saved to open her Atelier. Unfortunately for her, the warehouse she had in mind was taken and the rental agent showed her other premises he has in his portfolio. They drove around and inspected at least three of the premises she had identified as possibilities. Jacqueline settled on a modestly sized one which was highly affordable and resonated with her creativity. It was located in downtown Bossville which was far removed from the glitz and glamor of the High Street.

It was a large freestanding house which was built in the late nineties and had an old-world charm to it. The house was abandoned by its owners and handed over to the rental agent to let it at whatever price he deemed reasonable. They had inherited money and an import-export business from their deceased parents and moved to a better part of town.

The paint, which was left to the elements, was in serious need of a fresh coat. The same sense of decay was visible on the inside. Those were superficial challenges which could easily be remedied. It had a nice big front and backyard, and although the weeds had taken possession of it, there was nothing a lawnmower could not fix.

One other feature which Jacqueline loved was the dark hardwood floors, which, if restored, would create a warm atmosphere, and the large windows allowed in a lot of sunlight. When she went home, she sat down and planned the layout and flow of her available floor space, from fabric and trim storage, cutting room, design room, workroom and reception area.

"Mom, dad... meeting after dinner. You too Calvin," she said to her younger brother. They were used to Jacqueline's gentle bossy commands, silently wondering what fresh calamity awaited them this time around. The dining room table was cleared and Jacqueline brought her files from her room.

"I've signed a lease agreement today, and there's no turning back. There's a lot of repairs to be done, but first I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for all the support you've given me in the past. I would not have come this far without you."

They listened without saying a word as Jacqueline laid out her plans, showing them pictures of the property, the layout of every department, and discussing in depth what needs to be done.

"Dad," she said, "I need you to rope in some of your friends to paint the walls and sand the floors. I've already bought the paint and everything else you need, but things like ladders and all other stuff, you'll have to beg, borrow or steal. We have a lawnmower, and Calvin, that department belongs to you and your friends."

She looked at her mother with a huge grin on her face while the poor woman sat, holding her breath and a hand on her heart, dreading what's coming her way.

Jacqueline laughed, "Don't look so worried mom, I'm giving you the easiest job in the world."

Mrs. Dupont didn't answer or dare to breathe.

"We are going shopping!"

Mrs. Dupont sighed in relief and screamed, "Yippee!"

"Any questions, anyone?" Jacqueline asked.

They looked at each other and Mr. Dupont eventually cleared his throat and said, "Jacky, we all know how hard you've worked to get to this point in your life. Your mother and I have watched you over the years as you burned the midnight oil and we feared for your health, but we didn't say a word because you were happy. When our children are happy, we are happy for them. We are proud of you and shall continue to do so, and whatever you need, we'll be ready to help. So team Dupont, let's get to work."

Mrs. DuPont's eyes were large with joyful tears which threatened to roll down her cheeks.
The family and friends put their shoulders to the wheel and none complained. Some swept the floors, washed windows, made coffee, lemonade, and lunch, and what would have been a chore, became a festive occasion.

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