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"He did it. He kept his word," Mrs. Dupont shrieked happily as she read the hand delivered black and gold embossed invitation from Laurent. She stared at it in disbelief and it was her husband's voice who brought her out of her stupor.

"What is it Candice? Who kept his word?" he asked while muting the TV station he was watching.

"Laurent! Remember Jacky's friend? The nice man I was talking to at the wedding? He promised to invite us to dinner, and here it is. Look how fancy it is Henri," she said as she delicately handed it to him, "And don't damage it. I want to keep it. It's not every day we get an invite like this."

Henri read it and handed it back to her. In the meantime, Calvin, their youngest who was still at college, came stomping down the stairs, phone in hand.

"What's happening?" he asked bewildered.

"We're invited to Laurent's house for dinner," Mrs. Dupont said.

"Oh," he said relieved, "I thought dad was killing you. I was about to call the police."

Both his parents stared at him, his father in anger and his mother in a happy mood.

"Henri, we must get your best suit to the cleaners, yours too Calvin. Don't forget to polish your shoes, and you both need haircuts. Oh dear, I must make an appointment with my hairdresser. What shall I wear?" Mrs. Dupont addressed both of them at the same time.

Calvin sneaked back to his room while Mr. Dupont cranked up the sound of the TV set. They had no desire to be spit and polished for a formal dinner.


"Jacky, we received a dinner invitation from Laurent for Thursday evening. Are you aware of it? Will you be there?"

"Yes, mother. He checked with me first, and I said it would be ok. Don't worry about what you're going to wear. I'm way ahead of you, and I'll have it delivered as soon as it's done. Although the invite looks formal, I'm asking you nicely not to harass your two men at home. Let them wear what they want, because they might decide not to go, and Laurent would like to see all of you there. Please tell Dad not to worry about driving. Laurent will send a car to pick you up."

"Yes, honey," Mrrs. Dupont replied with the wind taken out of her sails. Jacqueline sounded as if she had heard every word she had said to them. She called them together and repeated what she had heard from Jacqueline, "But you will have your hair cut. That is not negotiable. I don't care what you wear, but it will be clean. Calvin, I'll do a personal inspection. We shall not let him, or Jacky down."


"Jamaica, I want to talk to you. Have a seat please," Laurent said.

She took a seat opposite him with a worried look on her face and a furrowed brow wondering what she did wrong.

"I'm throwing a dinner party for six on Thursday. I'd like you to get out the best silverware and some red wine, and chill a good Sauvignon blanc. It should be a five course meal, but I don't want you to go overboard. Keep it simple, please."

"Yes, Mr. Ferrier, that's wonderful. Leave it to me. I won't let you down," she said happily as she jumped from her seat.  Laurent had never given a party before, and she intended to pull out all the stops, and give him the Full Monty. She intended to use all the tricks she had learned at the hands of his mother's cook.
When she said, leave it to me, that was what Laurent was afraid of, but he knew he wouldn't be able to stop her, and being an accommodating man, he let it go. He knew he could trust her.

"One more thing, Jamaica, I would like a stuffed turkey as one of the dishes."

"But Mr. Ferrier, it's not Thanksgiving yet. Where shall I find one?"

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