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The staff had left for the day, and Jacqueline was about to close shop and leave for home. She was still busy switching off the lights, checking the windows and doors, making sure that everything was closed properly when she heard a loud banging on the front door. Afraid that it might be some unsavory character, she shouted from inside, "Who's there?"
"It's me Jacqueline, Myrna. I'm a client of yours."

Jacqueline recognised the slightly hoarse voice of one of her most frequent customers and hurried to open the door.
"What's wrong Mrs. Hadley? How may I help you?"

Mrs. Hadley walked through the door with her daughter in tow, while her driver waited outside in the car.
"I'm sorry to burst in like this and at this hour, but it's horrible... absolutely horrible," at which last words Mrs. Hadley burst into hysterical tears.
"Have a seat Mrs. Hadley while I go and get us some water."

Jacqueline went to the fridge and brought three bottles of water and glasses. After Mrs. Hadley had had a few sips she seemed visibly calmer, although she was still a little out of breath.
"I want you to design my daughter's wedding dress, please.” She dried the last of her tears, and having blown her nose loudly, seemed like her old self again.

Mrs. Hadley was a stout and robust matriarch of the Hadley household. She spoke rapidly and with the authority of someone who always has things done her way. She believed that tradition should be upheld, and that modern interpretation of tradition was nothing short of a deal with the devil. One could easily see who wore the pants in the family. Her husband, a thin and meek mannered gentleman, had in the early stages of his marriage thought that let it rain where it will, and with that in mind had abdicated his position as head of the family to her. Mrs. Hadley loved her husband and would not allow anyone to say negative things about him. Overall, she was a lovely woman with a heart of gold.

Having regained her breath and composure, she continued, "I don't know where to begin, but I cannot and will not allow things to deteriorate any further. My daughter has met the most amazing man, and he so respectfully came to ask for her hand in marriage. He comes from a rich and respectable family, and we happily consented. He is a hardworking and honest man.

"My daughter, Zelda,  buys her clothes from Pasquale's stores, heaven alone knows why, but that man's clothes is not what it used to be, that's why I'm glad I moved my account to you. Anyway, my daughter got it into her head that she wanted him to design her wedding dress. I consented on condition that I approve the final design."

She paused, crossed both her hands on her heart, rolled her eyes to the heavens and continued, "You should have seen what he wanted Zelda to wear on her wedding day. On one sketch the dress was a miniskirt with tulle hanging to the floor, on the second sketch, the dress had a long slit, and on the third one, my child would have been practically naked. I took my handbag and my daughter and left. If that was what he was thinking of my daughter on her wedding day, then I wanted nothing more to do with him, and I told Zelda not to shop there anymore.

"Next Zelda suggested that we ask Rose of HC Emporium to do it. Seeing that it's her day, I agreed, but Jacqueline! you should have seen what they did there. There were big bows, flowers and trimmings everywhere, and to crown it all, Rose suggested she should wear a black wedding dress. The one wanted her to look like a cheap tart, and the other one wanted her to look like an over-decorated Christmas tree in mourning. That's when I said, enough! We are going to do things my way, and that's why we're here."

Mrs. Hadley took a delicate sip of water and continued, "I want nothing but the best for Zelda, and I want her to have a dignified wedding. Her wedding is in three weeks and I know it's short notice, but can you help us? I don't know what I'll do if you can't."

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