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"Adam," Marcel shouted when he saw Maisy saddled for Jacqueline.

Adam, the farm manager, came running while asking, "What's the matter, Marcel?"

"What is this?" he asked while pointing at Maisy who was unconcernedly nibbling on a carrot while awaiting her fate.

"Mr. Tom asked me to get her ready for Miss Jacqueline."

"No, no, no. This will never do. She travels at two miles per hour, and we have a long way to go. At that rate we'll get there by nightfall. Bring me Zita, and hurry please, we are almost ready to leave."

"Yes, Marcel," he said as he led Maisy away.
Marcel had appointed himself as entertainment director for the day, and the night before had instructed Dixie to pack a picnic basket for the family for the whole day. Laurent, Jacqueline and Marcel would go on horseback while Tom would take Gayle and Mrs. Ferrier by vehicle.

Zita was saddled and ready by the time the family poured out of the house. Laurent helped Jacqueline onto her horse while Marcel helped his wife and mother into the car.

"See you at the tree," Tom shouted as he took off. They drove ahead to set up camp.

Marcel took the lead with Jacqueline's and Laurent's horses trotting slowly side by side.

"This feels great," Jacqueline said.

"You'll be sore in the morning, especially after your first ride. Hold on tight, and try not to fall," Laurent said.

"Where are we going?"

"Past those hills ahead of us."

"That's quite a distance."

"That's why you need to take it easy and pace yourself. We're not stopping until we get to the picnic area."

Jacqueline could not get enough of the open country. It seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see. Some parts were covered with exotic trees and it created a magnificent contrast with the short brush. They reached the foot of the hill and its uneven ruggedness was narrow and the ascent steep. Laurent fell to the rear, leaving Jacqueline in the middle. He kept a close eye on her horse, anticipating every kind of eventuality.

"Marcel, stop," Laurent shouted.

They all stood still and a snake slithered lazily across the road. They are a horse's most dreaded enemy, and the horse could easily have reared, throwing Jacqueline off.

"Well spotted, Laurent," Marcel said.

The rest of the trip proceeded without further incident and they arrived at the picnic spot under a huge tree with low hanging branches. A tasty spread was laid out for them, and Laurent helped Jacqueline off her horse and led them to the water to drink.

"Welcome, you must be hungry and thirsty," Mrs. Anais Ferrier said.

"That's an understatement. I'm famished.”

"Laurent, you must watch this girl. By the time you're leaving, you will have to roll her out of here," Marcel jokes.

"Don't mind him Jacky. How was your ride?" Gayle asked.

"Great thanks. And the first thing I'll do when I get back to the city is to sign up for lessons."

They ate, drank and lounged around. The young people went for a swim, and every now and then, Jacqueline swallowed a mouth full of water. She couldn't believe how fresh and sweet it tasted. She floated on her back, closed her eyes and forgot about the world. This time they did not take a walk. Laurent promised they would do it on some other occasion in the near future. Today was reserved for rest and relaxation.

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