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I'm looking at Cynthia with tears in her eyes and I feel like an asshole by bringing her here

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I'm looking at Cynthia with tears in her eyes and I feel like an asshole by bringing her here.

"I want to adopt all of the animals in here, I'm not okay." She's full on crying and I don't know what to do.

"Kotyonok I'm so sorry darling, let's just go home yea?" She nods and takes in deep breaths. She's looking down avoiding looking at the animals. It's depressing really.

I heard a little meow and turn to look at the small kitten who's staring at Cynthia. It does another little meow making Cynthia look up since I stopped walking to stare at it.

"That's my cat." Cynthia says as she walks to the small kitten. "Can I have this one." She turns to look at me and I nod. I go get someone who can help us and we sign all the paperwork.

"I'm naming her sole, to match her sister Luna. Oh she's perfect!" Cynthia is petting the orange cat and I smile at the sight.

After multiple stops later we go to her house to introduce sole to her sister Luna. Both cats stare at each other and Luna just walks towards me rubbing herself on me and then walks away.

"Well I think that went well dont you?" Cynthia lightly claps her hands and picks up sole giving her multiple kisses. I'm jealous.

Her dad is turning the corner with Dimitri and my father and my eyebrows furrow. "Y'all hung out with out me?" I say feigning disappointment.

"Yea it was really fun quite peaceful actually." Dimitri says making me glare at him. "Look Dimitri!" Cynthia walks up to them and shows them her new kitten.

"Can I carry it?" Dimitri asks and Cynthia nods. Dimitri has a small smile on his face as the kitten purrs. He wanted to be a veterinarian growing up since he loves animals.

"Hi papa," Cynthia hugs her father, "Cara, we're going to dinner with the pakhan of the Russian mafia get ready." She nods and tries to get sole from Dimitri. My dad pulls on Dimitri's hair making him gasp and gives Cynthia her kitten back.

We're at dinner with Nikolai's family. Katerina is happily chatting to cynthia, and I can already imagine our future together with our kids. Fucking hell that's how obsessed I am with her.

"I heard you guys want to move to Nikolai's school?" We all nod and Nikolai's dad hums. "For the love of god you three can't cause trouble. Also before you start Dimitri Alek we have a small mission for you both in Russia." I look at Dimitri and smile in excitement.

They only send me and Dimitri when we have to extract information the hard way. I love beating people up.

"Psycho" Nikolai coughs and I grin even more. There's laughter coming in from the door and Nikolai's knee hits the table hard. I look and see none other than Delilah Morecelli with two huge guys.

Cynthia gasps and looks at her and then smiles at me. She goes straight for the cashier and picks up her to go items and walks by us she spots Nikolai and waves at him with a small smile.

This fucker is done for one smile from her and he's on cloud fucking nine. "Pussy whipped." His father gets a smack from his wife and mutters a sorry. Making me and Dimitri laugh. God I love Nikolai's dad.

"Ignore these peasants Cinthy, can you come play princesses with me? I'm the queen." Cynthia laughs and nods. So adorable.

Dinner went on great and then me and Cynthia were off to go hangout with Olivia and Dimitri. When we meet up with Olivia I notice she's a little off. Her smile is fake and that instantly sours Dimitri's mood as well as Cynthia's.

Those two girls are so connected it's insane. "Livvy? Ice cream and rom coms and sleepover." Now there's a real smile. Olivia walks next to cynthia and they clutch each others hands tightly.

I look at Dimitri who's on his phone checking... are those cameras. "No you didn't." He sighs and looks up at me "for her safety, her father is an abusive fuck." I nod and throw my arm over his shoulder. For once he doesn't shove me off and my heart fills with warmth.

"I'll beat him up again, just say the word." He laughs and shakes his head. "You're too violent Alek. I wonder how we got those roles switched." I smile at that. Dimitri is brooding asshole I would assume he would have violent behavior but on the contrary my brother hates it.

"These girls are going to make our pockets hurt right now." I sigh and see their arms full of clothes. "It's not like we can't afford it." He's right I'll buy Cynthia anything she wants. Olivia however puts most items back and goes to the men section.

Cynthia frowns and follows her. Then they both laugh and start picking multiple items. "Fashion show!" They pull us into the dressing room and give us all the items. They picked out clothes for us.

It felt like an hours of me trying on clothes I don't know how girls do this. I won't lie and say the praises didn't get to my ego more.

"I had so much fun!" Olivia says and heads to pay for the clothes Dimitri beats her to it and they argue over who pays. Olivia looks like she's about to cry when Dimitri raised his voice in frustration and then Dimitri apologizes and lets her pay.

She turns to Cynthia and winks. Oh shit Dimitri is wrapped around her finger and he doesn't even know it. "Don't even think about paying." I look at Cynthia who's studying her nails. They're a dark red, "wasn't even attempting to reach for my card." I laugh and pay for our shit and we all head back to Cynthia's.

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