Chapter 25

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Cynthia had gone MIA

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Cynthia had gone MIA. And I'm going insane she hasn't responded to me nor Olivia. I'm currently with Nikolai and Dimitri. He's in a pissy mood though.

"What does she see in him. I want to gauge his eyeballs for looking at other girls when he has her right in front of him." We're in Nikolai's car watching Delilah and her ugly existence of a boyfriend.

Dimitri is texting someone non stop and I get curious and peek at his phone. Olivia. Hmm.

"So like....when are you going to ask me to get rid of him?" I look at Nikolai and he rolls his eyes. I turn to look at Delilah and see the small frown on her face and I feel bad. If she were my sister I would have gone on a whole lecture of high standards and self worth. Or skip that whole lecture and just make him disappear.

She's too nice and I wonder how she got with that idiot and not Nikolai. I mean they liked each other before so what happened?

"This is fun and all but me and Olivia are going to hang out." Dimitri says and gets out the car. Hold on, pause. "What do you mean hang out? You like her!" Dimitri stops in his tracks and flips me off not denying the accusation.

"Have fun stalking I'm going to investigate something. Bye" I say getting out of the car and following my brother. Nikolai nods at me and I run to catch up to Dimitri.

I throw and arm around him, "so you and Oliviaaaa." He shakes his head but I can't unsee the small tint of red on his cheeks. The motherfucker is blushing.

The Dimitri Ivanov is blushing

"Oh I'm so telling Cynthia. You're crushing on her best friend!" I get punched in the arm and wince. "No, don't speak of this to Cynthia, she doesn't like me. I'm just Olivia's friend." I nod and then get into his car.

He drives me to Cynthia's after I bought her donuts. She mentioned it was Her favorite snack when she's sad. She hasn't been to school in two weeks, and I've been doing all her work so she won't fall behind. The teachers think I've been giving it to her but I can't she's not mentally here and it crushes me. So I take on the burden of doing her work.

"I need to make sure she's still breathing." I say to Dimitri while getting out the car. He nods and then leaves Cynthia's property. I ring the doorbell and her father opens and smiles when he sees me.

Yup, my father in law loves me. Her mother practically begged me to promise her I'll marry Cynthia . So I got to stay true to my promises.

"Is Cynthia okay? She hasn't been responding to anyone and I'm worried sick about her." He nods and let's me in. "She's doing better today, she finally ate." My heart hurts for my girl.

"She's upstairs asleep go right on in. I have a meeting with your father I'll be home soon." I nod and he exits the house.

I enter Cynthia's room and place the box of donuts onto her nightstand. She looks so peaceful sleeping, although she looks a little pale. I can't help myself and lean down to lightly kiss her temple. I sit beside her and check the message Nikolai sent me.

Nikolai: he left her and now she's alone should I accidentally bump into her and then strike a conversation?

Me: sure maybe fall and eat shit In front of her, therefore she can put her hands on you as she helps you up!

Nikolai: good idea. I'll update you.

I was being sarcastic. Cynthia moves to her side but then she opens her eyes looking at me confused. "Hey I bought you donuts! Your dad said he'll be back soon." She stares at me not saying anything and my smile drops.

Maybe I should have asked to come here first. What if she doesn't like me like that. I'm having an internal crisis. I move to get up but get yanked into her embrace.

"Thank you for coming." I sigh into her embrace and rub her back up and down. "Of course darling"

"You bought me donuts? I'm starting to think you're in love with me" she grins a little and my eyes look at her small little dimple. She has no idea.

"You're the one sitting on my lap I think you're the one who's in love with me red." Even her pjs are the color red. Her eyes widen and she makes a move to get off of me.

I tighten my arms around her and hold her in place, "I think I like you right here." She stares intently at me. "Aleksandr can I ask you something?" I hum in response while trailing my finger over her jaw and then play with her hair.

"Can I kiss you?" I groan and smash my mouth to hers. She sighs into me and I feel like I'm on cloud fucking nine. Cynthia is making me go insane. I've never felt like this for a girl.

Kissing has always been boring but with Cynthia I feel electric. I separate from her, both of us breathing hard. "I'm just going to let you know that from now on you won't ever kiss anyone else again but me. And only me."

She rolls her eyes and I grip her chin making her look at me. "I'm serious Cynthia." I've never felt this intense urge of possession and jealousy over the thought of someone else having Cynthia. She's My pretty girl.

I watch as Cynthia eats her donuts slowly and I look around her room it's a little messy and her guitar is on the floor. I go to pick it up and start playing a song I've been practicing. After a while I look up at her to see she's been staring at me with a smile.

"You're hot when you play the guitar you should so form a band." Fuck I feel my face heating up. "I play the electric guitar, Nikolai the drums and Dimitri is the singer."

Her jaw drops and she laughs, "I need to see you guys play." I shake my head and lay down on her really comfortable bed. "How's your day darling?" She lays next to me and begins to tell me how she's starting therapy. Good she's taking the initiative to get better, it's the little steps.

"And about school, I have no idea how I haven't failed any of my classes. I have all A's and B's." I wonder why.

"That's weird" I comment and see her nod in agreement. "I'm going to switch to homeschooling though. I can't go back." There goes my chance of seeing her everyday.

She tells me how she visited her mother the other day and how she's eating better now. I'm proud of her.

"So what did you do today?" I sigh and go on a whole rant about Nikolai and Delilah.

"I mean seriously that kid has been hung up on her since they were ten. Like man up and just ask her out, but the problem is she has a boyfriend. Seriously I would have put out a hitman on that guy. One less problem.

Hey I think I'm going to get them together. How about it my partner in crime you down for a mission.

Operation: get Delilah and Nikolai together."

Cynthia bursts out laughing and I can't help but laugh. Gosh her laughter is literally music to my ears, I'm obsessed with everything that is Cynthia Romani.

"Deal. We moving to Nikolai's school then?" I nod and we shake on it. "Now I'm going to take a nap your bed is comfy." I pull her against me so I'm hugging her to my chest.

"You make my days better." Is all I hear before I doze off.

Nikolai and Delilah are going to be together soon!

How do we feel about Dimitri and Olivia?

(spoiler there not endgame!)

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