Chapter 32

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"When are you coming to school?" I ask Dimitri who's typing something that my Brain can't process, "I think next week I'm this close to breaking the file, dad still needs another thing from me and then I'll go to school

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"When are you coming to school?" I ask Dimitri who's typing something that my Brain can't process, "I think next week I'm this close to breaking the file, dad still needs another thing from me and then I'll go to school. Why you miss me?" He gives me a teasing look.

I scoff and he smiles and then turns around to look at me. "Nikolai is finally secretly making moves and you're missing out on it." He rolls his eyes and then looks at the picture of Olivia on his desk.

It's a group picture of us, I clear my throat and he looks at me. "Dad has been intentionally getting hurt just to go to the hospital and see her." I laugh and shake my head "I've never seen him act this way it's concerning." Dimitri says and I laugh.

"Let's go eat I'm hungry." He nods and we head downstairs to our kitchen, our cook glares at me and I smile sweetly at her only for her to roll her eyes at me. She's mean.

The door opened and then closed and Cynthia walks in and smiles at us. "Hey guys, your dad let me in said something about having to check if the love of his life is doing okay. How exciting!" Dimitri looks at me and I'm starting to think I'll be giving him money.

Cynthia hugs our cook, then Dimitri and then me. "How's your new friend Delilah?" When Dimitri mentions her Cynthia gets all serious. "She won't answer my messages, or Nikolai's. I'm worried about her she's missed school today." She sighs and looks at me.

"But I thinks she's just sad. She broke up with her boyfriend. Good riddance. But that asshole was already kissing some other girl today at school. Poor del she's probably really upset."

Cynthia looks upset her and I hate it. "I can take you to her house. maybe you guys can talk it out" Cynthia looks up at me and nods. Good her smile is back in place.

"Dimi what have you been up to?" She strikes up conversation with Dimitri and I'm sulking at not having her attention on me. He's hideous why would she want to look at him.

I roll my eyes and drag Cynthia away from him and lead her up to my room. When I close the door I turn around and finally kiss her. Fuck I love this girl.

When we pull back from each other she looks at me with a small smile and then hugs me. "I missed you my love." She better have, I spend about 99 percent of my time just thinking about her. The one percent is me being miserable and waiting for the time to hurry up so I can see her.

"How was my girls day? Have you eaten anything?" She shakes her head and sits down on my bed. "I'm going to be a mother!" My eyebrows furrow, last I check we haven't slept together and I definitely didn't put any of my child in Cynthia's stomach. "I'm sorry what?" I'm not jumping to conclusions. Nope, not letting my thoughts wander.

Fuck it I swear thinking of my Cynthia with another male specimen makes me see red.

"Yes baby Luna is pregnant! Oh my goodness im so excited for her im going to have more kittens!" I groan and fall back in my bed.

Cynthia Romani Where stories live. Discover now