Chapter 1

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I was currently sitting in my mother's room, watching her

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I was currently sitting in my mother's room, watching her. She looked exhausted and I wish more than anything to take her pain away. It's not fair. I sigh and get up to kiss her forehead. "Vai bene a scuola ragazza Mia." She whispered. "always mama"

I did a quick prayer for her and then I went to my room and got my things for school. Once I was done and checked myself in the mirror like ten times I finally headed downstairs. I greeted Matteo and got into the car. It was a quiet ride but I didn't mind.

"Matteo Tell papà I'll be home around 3:30." I smiled at Matteo who was our family personal driver.

"Have a nice day ms. Cynthia." I thank him for the ride and head inside the school.

I make my way to my friends who usually sit in the library in the mornings. Our friend group consists of Sydney, Jackie, and Olivia. They ignored me at first except for Olivia who smiled at me. She's the only reason I deal with these girls, I don't understand why she insists we still be their friends. I sat there while they spoke about their crushes. Aleksandr and Dimitri Ivanov.

the infamous Twins. They're so different from each other, everyone in this school knows who they are. Dimitri is a fucking genius and anti-social. While his twin, Aleksandr is outgoing and always positive although he comes out intimidating at times when he turns all serious.

I'm like Dimitri, Aleksandr is a whole different story. That boy gets on my nerves like no other. I don't know what I did to get his attention but I don't want it. He's nice to everyone but me.I watch as they walk by us. Two people born together yet so different.

"Cynthia, what are you wearing?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to Sydney who was looking at me with a snarl.

What's wrong with my outfit?
She's literally wearing neon orange.

Ugh stay calm.

"Umm, clothes?" I responded which only made her scoff. "Yeah, way to state the obvious." I huff and scoot closer to Olivia.

"You look hideous and fat in that skirt." I looked down at what I was wearing. I thought I looked cute in my black skirt. Olivia looked at me with sympathy. "You look cute Cinthy." I smile at her.

"Why are you lying to her Olivia? What type of friend are you? Seriously, Cynthia, you look huge in that skirt. I'm just looking out for you" Jackie says making me feel self-conscious just a tiny bit, but then that feeling disappears when I remember there is nothing wrong with my body.

"But I love her outfit I don't see anything wrong." Olivia tried to defend me even though I know she hates confrontation. I pat her arm and she looks at me I tell her with my eyes that we should get out of here. "Thanks for the advice girls no need to fight. I'll burn the skirt when I get home."

As if I would ever burn it.

Olivia gets up and we both walk to class, "I'm sorry, you look stunning." I hug Olivia knowing she feels genuinely sorry. "They're just jealous Livvy." She smiles and nods "of course they are, you're drool worthy". I laugh and open the door to our class.

Cynthia Romani Where stories live. Discover now