Chapter 2

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I wake up exhausted dreading to go to school again

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I wake up exhausted dreading to go to school again. I wish I could go to Nikolai's school instead of this prestigious one. I honestly had no idea why Nikolai wanted to be part of public school. In fact he threw a tantrum, I saw it with my own eyes. He begged his dad to put him in public school with his wife.

The kid was ten what the actual fuck was he talking about?

Some girl named Delilah, I've never met her but we're sixteen and he's gotten no action. I mean she has not looked his way their entire school years, I bet on my dead mother he's still a virgin.

I pray every day for her to look his way, and then praise the amount of self-control he has for seeing her with another guy. I swear if I saw the girl I'm in love with laugh and kiss another guy constantly in my face I would be physically ill.

I get up to get ready, excited since I have to see a certain person, with their red fucking lips, bitchy attitude that makes me want more, and her long black hair. Perfection is what she is. I hate her.

When I'm done getting ready I go into Dimitri's room and wake him up. I think Dimitri deep down hates me. We don't really have conversations together, I think by our moods we understand each other. Must be our twin instincts.

Me and my brother are distant, we follow each other around but we can be in complete silence next to each other. It's weird, we were close as kids but then he got distant from me. I still don't know what I did.

I made my way downstairs and greeted my dad who was already at the table eating. " good morning son, ready for school'?" He looked at me with a small smile.

"Morning, I'd rather be sleeping in." I ate my breakfast with my dad and looked around at our house. I secretly hate it. it's a nice mansion, but a home is filled with warmth and love from a family. My dad and brother are my everything, but sometimes I wish I had that motherly love. Women teach you different things than men do.

And I do give my dad credit he didn't love my Mother and he could have made somebody else raise us. But Ronan did his best and that's all that matters.

Dimitri finally comes downstairs and sits down. He makes no conversation as he eats his breakfast. "Dimi what do you know about Cynthia? Can you use your hacker skills and extract information on her." Dimitri stops his spoon mid air and looks up at me.

"She's the only daughter to the Italian mafia leader. That's all I know." I looked at dad who was smiling. Weird.

"Why do you ask?" I shrugged my shoulders and picked up my plate. "Just wondering." Dimitri looks at me suspiciously and then at Dad.

"I'm going to Nikolai's after school". I said goodbye to Dad and walked out of the house to my car.

"Cynthia's a nice girl Alek, but leave her alone she's going to say shit that's gonna hurt you, when you constantly provoke her." Dimitri says from behind me making me jump.

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