Chapter 30

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It's the day of Olivia's funeral and I'm wearing a light yellow dress, I forbid anyone from wearing black. she hated the color even if it was one of the few colors I wore everyday.

I'm sitting in my vanity and look at a picture of us. then open the letter I found, and inhale a deep breath.

I'm writing this letter because I know something will happen to me, whether it's by the hands of my father, or I simply lose myself completely and decide I can't keep going on. I'm sorry,

Forgive me Cynthia, my beautiful Cinthy. You were the light in my tunnel, and I mean that.  from the moment we met at just five years old I knew you were going to be my best friend. And I thank god for sending you along my path. He knew I would need you the most growing up.

My home isn't a home, it's just simply a building, my home is with you. Thank you Cynthia for being my safe place, for being my sister. You became my only family since mine failed at doing that.

I know you tried your hardest to get me away from the constant abuse, thank you for this. you don't know how much you made some of my weeks being able to wake up feeling safe, feeling loved.

If I die first please make sure no one wears black I'm begging. I love you to the moon and to Saturn. You'll be okay Cynthia I know it, keep living for the both of us. Know I cherished each moment I spent with you.
~ with lots of love your livvy.

I fold the letter with a loud sob, she knew something was going to happen to her. my hands shake as I wipe away my tears. She was taken too soon from me. I choke on my sob and cry for the girl who deserved better. After I calmed myself down a little, I take a deep breath and stand up and head downstairs.

My dads glossy eyes meet mine and I know he heard me cry. he extends his hand towards mine and I take a hold of him and we head to the funeral service. Olivia's mother sat in the back row teary eyed and I glared in her direction.

Who is she to come here, when she chose to walk out and go no contact on her daughter.The service went perfectly and it was my time to make a speech.

Dimitri and Aleksandr nodded at me giving me the confidence. As I stood up here, I looked around seeing the pity of people who didn't even know half of what she went through.

"My name is Cynthia, I was Olivia's best friend. I remember vividly when we first met . She was a ray of sunshine with her big smile and long curly hair. We were polar opposites but we understood each other like no other. Growing up we planned our future together.

We'd get our own apartment after high-school and live together, she would be my maid of honor and I would be hers. We planned on having kids and raising them together.  I would have a son and she'd have a daughter. we then would have to have planned our children's wedding, because duh our kids were going to get married."

I paused and there was some laughs. I let out a shaky laugh and wiped away some tears that managed to fall. I look at my dad who nods in encouragement and I take in a deep breath and continue.

"It hurts knowing she won't be around for any of that. Olivia was a bright person and that didn't change as we went onto our teens. If you didn't know my Olivia then I feel sorry for you. She was the most selfless person I've ever known, constantly giving back even when people where cruel to her.

Olivia was basically my sister, she was my confidant, my platonic soulmate. And most of all we were girls together. We helped each other grow and I'll forever cherish my friendship and memories I had with her. She may be gone but I know she's with me forever.

Thank you."

I step away and hear the sniffles and claps. I walk to her open casket and my legs felt like they were going to give out. "I got your letter livvy, you deserved better, I'll forever love you. You can rest now say hi to my mama for me."

I kissed a white flower and left it on her side. I walk back to the guys and I look at Dimitri, I pull him into a hug and whisper how she left him something. He nods and I go to sit next to Aleksandr. He kissed my temple and I felt like everything was going to be fine.

I watched as they lowered her casket and I said my final goodbyes to the girl I grew up with. It hurts so badly. Grief is love with nowhere to go. I won't be hearing her, won't be seeing her anymore, and I hate it.

After everyone leaves I give the letters to Dimitri, Aleksandr and my dad. "I don't know what's in it, but based on the letter she left me I hope it's good." They all nodded and we started walking back when I see there was still a woman staring at her grave.

I walk up and see it's her mother. "And who invited you here?" Her mother faces me and she looks at me with a sad look that does nothing but make me hate her more.

"Cynthia she's my daughter, it was in the news, I had to see it for myself." The bitch was actually crying. "I know I left her but she's still my daughter." I shake my head at her.

"You left her to the hands of an abusive father. She contacted you multiple times, and you told her you didn't want nothing to do with her. You're a shitty mother and have no business being here."

I walked away before I punched her. I took my dad's outstretched hand "Let's go home Cynthia I know you're tired." I nod and we head home.
Authors note:

I'm crying, I loved Olivia's character so much.

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