That's All Folks!

46 0 3

You sit on a plane, the other 14 contestants with you, everyone has their heads down, ashamed at not having done to most tasks, instead using the time to tan, hang out, and do other things. You all know why they are sending you home.

Nobody makes a sound as an announcer comes on, telling you that they are about to take off, looking out your window, you can just see the heads of the judges, who had come to say goodbye, seems some of them had become good friends with certain contestants.

Soon, the plane takes off and you left them behind, wondering if you had just blown your biggest chance....


That's right, everyone! Its over, everyone lost! I would like to point out a few things;

1. I was the only one who ever handed in, so, in retrospect, my character won, but because I'm nice, he was among you all going home (I couldn't award myself the prizes, and I didn't want people saying it was unfair, when it wouldn't have been, but I digress)

2. I gave you all plenty of time to hand in, you had between a week and a half, and two weeks to complete them, in the Writer Games I normally do, we only get up to a week (week and a half depending).

3. I gave fair warning, I tagged everyone in messages, and even sent you PM's. It souldn't be up to me to remind you, you should do it yourself. Missing one, I could understand, but some people missed three, and I only had three tasks.

4. The tasks weren't hard, I could sit down and spend 10 minutes writing it, if it came down to that, and if anyone wanted extension's, all you had to do was ask.

Well, there's my rant, now, onto who should take the prizes, I can't rightly give my character them, because, as I said before, what would be the point?

So, I have decided, as a thank you for entering, everyone will be either getting a dedication, or I will read/ review their book (if it isn't done, I will follow it until it is, which means you will have a guaranteed reader). {Please note; votes and comments will not be awarded, if I feel the book is good, I will vote and comment}

Note; All judges will receive both prizes, if you are a contestant and judge, you may only claim the judges prize. Judges may also choose for me to write a short story in the point of view of their judge, do as you wish.

Please tell me which prize you will claim in either the comments below, or by PM (If you choose the book, tell me which one), I don't care how long it takes you to claim the prize, if you haven't claimed it in a year, then do ahead and claim it.

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