CHAPTER 24 (down to zero)

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Vincenzo sat at the head of the long, rectangular table, his broad shoulders squared, and his posture erect. His deep-set eyes gleamed with unwavering confidence, and he radiated an aura of authority that filled the room. To his right sat his 9-year-old son, who looked up at him with admiration and respect, mirroring his father's steely resolve.

On his other side was his trusted right-hand man, whose loyalty to Vincenzo was unshakable (or so they thought). Together, the three of them commanded the attention of everyone present, and their collective presence was a force to be reckoned with.

The atmosphere in the room was tense as all the heads of the notorious crime families who had an alliance with Vincenzo, the powerful and enigmatic leader of the syndicate, sat in silence, waiting for the meeting to continue.

Each one of them was a seasoned criminal, with a reputation for ruthlessness and cunning, and their presence in the room was a testament to the vast network of influence and power that Vincenzo commanded.

Despite their shared allegiance, there was an undercurrent of tension and suspicion that hung in the air, as each one of them knew that in this world of treachery and deception, alliances were often fragile and short-lived. Nonetheless, they remained stoic and composed, ready to listen to whatever Vincenzo had to say next.

Julio Cano, a member of the inner circle, sat amongst the others in the dimly lit room. Everyone was tense and silent, knowing that the decision that was about to be made would not be a pleasant one. Julio made eye contact with Elijah.

Both were aware of the inevitable outcome of the meeting, yet both were too consumed by Gride to take action and prevent it.

Vincenzo, the patriarch of the inner circle, finally spoke up. "As you all know, Mariya is pregnant," he said, his voice heavy with authority. "After much consideration, we have concluded that Elijah will marry her." There was a collective of whispered voices in the room. "Although Elijah is not of Italian blood, he is a brother to us and therefore a member of the inner circle. His daughter will be betrothed to my son," Vincenzo continued.

The tension in the room was palpable. Julio knew that this decision would not sit well with everyone, but it was what Don had decided. Elijah seemed to be taking it all in stride, but Julio could see the evilness. This was just the beginning of what was sure to be a long and tumultuous event.

"With all due respect, Don. Mariya doesn't even belong to a alone prestigious family. She is just a mere civilian. She knows nothing of what we do, " Canon Smith spoke. He was head of the Smith crime family. Originally posted in the 19th century. They had a significant impact.

"We have considered that as a problem. But to ensure that we leave no potholes in the future, everything should be done now, " Vincenzo spoke.

"Or we could kill her," Malika spoke. He wasn't from a crime family, but he had a huge variety of clubs in Los Vegas that hid a lot of dirty substances underneath.

"Julio, you seem silent," Malika said in suspicion.

"I have—" The first screams were heard from outside, followed but a gunshot.

The tense atmosphere in the room was palpable as the sound of guns being drawn echoed through the air. Vincenzo, the father, instinctively tightened his grip on his son, Lorenzo, determined to protect him at all costs. However, despite the danger, Lorenzo remained surprisingly calm. He had been in situations like this before, and he knew how to handle himself. InHeas no stranger to guns.

He had held them before and knew how to use them, having even emptied one of its rounds. Despite the chaos around him, Lorenzo's fearless demeanor remained unshaken.

"What the hell is going on.!" Elijah faked surprise.

Vincenzo's voice thundered through the phone as he shouted his instructions to Simon Hamilton, the father of Alessandro. "Simon, listen to me carefully. You need to get my family out of the house and into a safe house immediately.

There's no time to waste. Move fast and keep them safe. Understood?" Vincenzo's tone was urgent and commanding, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation. It was clear that he meant business and expected Simon to act quickly.

"Already on the move, Don."

With a loud thud, the double doors flew open, propelled by the force of the Rovello bodyguards. The Don, his son, and his trusted right-hand man were quickly whisked away to safety with swift and precise movements, leaving no room for hesitation or questioning.

The bodyguards, clad in dark suits and sunglasses, scanned the area for any potential threats as they escorted the trio to their secure location. The tension in the air was palpable as the group moved swiftly and efficiently, their every move calculated and synchronized.

The armed guards, carrying M-15s and AK-47s, escorted the group out of the office building. As they made their way down the stairwell, they encountered opposition from those who sought to stop them in their tracks. Despite the resistance, the guards remained vigilant, ensuring the safety of everyone under their protection.

The tension in the air was palpable, as the sound of gunfire echoed through the corridors, adding to the sense of danger that permeated the scene. Nevertheless, the guards remained resolute, determined to see their mission through to the end.

" shit!" One of the guards shouted as he took a bullet in the shoulder. He moved out of the way. Lorenzo turned to the man he looked like he was in pain, and Lorenzo felt bad they had to leave him like that.

As the situation grew more tense, one of the bodyguards urgently reached for the small microphone in his ear. He spoke into it with urgency and determination, his voice carrying a hint of desperation: "We're going to need more men. The situation is getting out of control, and we need backup as soon as possible." His words hung in the air as the rest of the team looked on, their faces reflecting the gravity of the situation. It was clear that they were facing a serious threat, and time was running out.

"You're top priority is my son!" Vincenzo shouted. Lorenzo was starting to feel scared, and seeing his brave father in a dilemma like this made him feel weak.

With five of their guards dead and two of them badly injured, they managed to choke out of the building.

Lorenzo was quickly rushed in first, and Vincenzo and Elijah followed first.

"F...Father," Lorenzo called out. Vincenzo felt proud because, throughout Lorenzo, he hadn't let a single tear fall. "Blood," he whispered, pointing at his father's wound on his shoulder.

"Bloody hell!" He shouted. "Drive fucking faster!" He yelled at the driver.

"Whoever did this had the time and location of our meeting," Elijah said.


"No. Igor Kuznetsov might be hot-headed but his a fucking pussy"

During the discussion about the recent event and the likelihood of a traitor among them, Lorenzo couldn't help but fixate on Elijah. It seemed as though every word that came out of Elijah's mouth was scrutinized by Lorenzo, his gaze unwavering and intense.

The air was tense as everyone tried to make sense of the situation, but Lorenzo's unnerving focus on Elijah didn't go unnoticed by Vincenzo.

But it was too late.

Lorenzo was dropped off with his mother as he watched his father and mother exchange their last kiss. 4-year-old Felix hadn't yet understood what was happening but somehow young Lorenzo knew.

'I should have never given you my trust'

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