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Eventually, Michelle was overcome by sleep as she pondered on her situation. However, 2 hours into her sleep a soft knock on the fancy-looking door resonated throughout the room, and out of fear she ran her eyes all over the room looking for anything she could use as a weapon, and before she could grasp onto a lump a soft voice spoke on the other side of the door

Knock Knock "Hello, are you awake" By the voice and tone she could identify the person as a woman, and before she could reply the door slowly opened and to her surprise it was a woman who couldn't be any less than 50 years old. As she walked in, Michelle couldn't handle herself as she reached for the lump. She might have been a decent fighter, but she was an even better hacker, which sometimes caused a problem, seeing as she couldn't use that to protect herself physically

Seeing the young woman holding a lump as a means of protection, the old lady couldn't help but sympathize with her. "I won't hurt you," the lady said, and that was when Michelle noticed the tray of food she had in her hands. Upon seeing that it was only a mere harmless old lady, she carefully placed the lump back on the bedside table

"Where am I?"

"I'm afraid I can't answer that question, young lady. I am just doing my job. The old lady replied, "My name is Juda." she said as she placed the tray of food on a table closer to the door that led to the walk-in closet. "The young master sent me to give you some food and some clothes," she said as another girl walked in, holding some clothes. Usually, she wouldn't judge a person without knowing them first, but she could already tell this one wasn't the friendly type. One thing she noticed about them was the uniform they had on. 'So I'm guessing they might be maids'

"Juda, I found some clothes in one of the guestrooms I thought would fit her," the girl with blond hair talked in. Judging by her light features, she was around Michelle's age with only a one or two-year difference. She did a once-over of Michelle and then turned to Juda "She'll fit but the chest will be a bit difficult when it comes to the bra" she said as she turned to leave Michelle turned to the  elderly lady "could you please tell me where I am and what I'm doing here" She pleaded

Avoiding her previous question, she turned to her. "Eat up and have a shower. Alessandro will be here in an hour to take you to the young master" With that she gave her a polite smile, turned around, and left but she didn't miss the sound of the lock as she locked the door on her way.

As she was left alone inside the room, she spent a good 5 minutes just standing in the middle of the room staring at the food.  then again, it could be poisoned, so she decided to go for a shower. So she grabbed the clothes and headed for the bathroom. Her shower lasted for about 20 minutes in there, enjoying the water pressure of one of the most expensive showers she'd ever seen. At least I'll get to tell people about how I was kidnapped by a millionaire and showered in a Kardashian-level bathroom. She sarcastically thought to herself

As she went out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body, Michelle saw an unopened toothbrush on top of the vanity with a mirror. As she held the toothbrush in her fingertips and stared at her reflection, she surprisingly found everything about her appearance looked normal except for her long black hair.

As much as she just had bad hair days in the morning before university, her hair was one of the other things she loved, which is why she'd been growing it since 5 years old. At the age of 13, Elijah forced her to cut it short, but that didn't stop her from growing it back. Now, it reached the mid-section of her back. Although it was originally a dark brown color, she always dyed it black because she felt like it brought Her closer to her mother, Mariya

Her train of thought was interrupted when she remembered she was only given an hour, so with that thought, she reached for the clothes she had brought with her into the bathroom to change in.

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