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Both KC and Michelle currently sit inside Lorenzo's office on his sofa. Kc looked helpless as she gave her brother Felix a look for help, but each time, he would  reply with a

"Thumps up!"

In sign language teasing her about the situation and since Michelle seat behind both Lorenzo and Felix, she couldn't see Felix's childish acts.

"You if you brought me here just for a staring contest Kc, then I'm definitely going to lose because I use glasses," Michelle spoke first after 2 minutes of awkward silence.

"Of course not it's just that you look so mad at me, I'm scared if I start talking to you, you might just leash out at me" KC replied nervously fidgeting with her fingertips. Michelle noticed this and smirked, enjoying her dear best friend's misery

"Well... I'm waiting, kc, " she said, leaning her head on the sofa as she crossed her legs, getting comfortable. This action caught Lorenzo's attention as more of Michelle's brown skin was revealed.

"So I had an agreement with Lorenzo that I'd keep an eye on you in university and in turn he'd make sure I got to attend the same university Jake applied to and confidentially it happened to be the same one you also went to so I agreed."

"So your brother used your weakness to his benefit just so you could get to play house with Jake while keeping me as your foster child." She said with raised eyebrows. "Oh! Nooo, I get it, " she said, beaming. "Maybe your brother made you think Jake chose that specific location because I was going there, in turn using Jake to use you both as a spyglass in my life. Am I right orrrrrr am I right? " she said, mimicking the scale of justice.

"Wha– no-no, it's not like that Lorenzo would never," she said, looking between both Lorenzo and Michelle frantically. Michelle had a knowing smirk on, and Lorenzo held an annoyed gaze to Michelle. "Brother," KC called out to him

With a sigh, Lorenzo broke his gaze towards Michelle's direction to his younger sister, looking at him with disappointment and disbelief

"Jake knew how much you wanted to go to university, so I gave him the offer, and he instantly agreed," Lorenzo replied with a nonchalant face opposite to what KC's face reflected.

Jake, who stayed silent on the chair across from Lorenzo's seat, had his head down

"Jake," KC called, but he didn't reply

"Jake?" Michelle called out "Come on Don't be a pussy. Explain yourself to her" Michelle teased and Felix couldn't help but say

"I like her already and you both aren't even married" he smirked.

"Would you shut up the three Musketeers are having a relationship crisis?" said Lorenzo

"You two aren't helping my situation here,"  Jake said to both Felix and Lorenzo

"Who said we were trying to help" Felix replied. Jake sighed and finally made eye contact with a confused Kc.

"He did offer to help me but I refused at first because I didn't have plans for university yet. But then you couldn't stop about your dreams of college. I just had to make you happy so I took Lorenzo's offer" he said to her and instead of directing her anger towards Jake she instantly turned to Lorenzo with more disappointment and disbelief.

"You know when you first asked me to keep an eye on Michelle I was ok with it because I gave respect for you as my brother and as Don. But you using Jake as a lure for me to follow Michelle. Lorenzo, you could have just asked nicely not to manipulate people into doing your deeds, " she said in one breath and angrily stood up.

Lorenzo glared at Michelle, and all she did was smile innocently. "I'm sorry?" Lorenzo spoke in more of a questioning manner than stated.

"And how did you know about this?" Felix asked Michelle with suspicion

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