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Both male and female couldn't help but stare at each other for a good minute until it was too intense for Michelle to handle, so she looked away playing with a loose strand at the base of her dress silently praying to whatever God was out there to just finally come and collect her miserably self. But Her prayers are interrupted by his deep voice

"I'm guessing you were already informed of why you're here," Lorenzo's deep voice spoke, but Michelle was too frightened to reply, let alone look him in the eyes. So all she did was just give a small nob. Although Lorenzo understood that the girl was nervous, he didn't like the fact that she was potentially scared of him.

"When will I be allowed to leave?" Michelle's timid voice whispered.

"Look at me,"

At this command, Michelle's gaze lifted to meet his own, and to say the man in front of her was handsome would be an understatement. With a sharp jawline, green eyes as wild as a rainforest, thick eyelashes, the most perfectly shaped eyebrow she swore she was jealous of, and full pink lips that just looked so inviting—her wild thoughts were interrupted by Lorenzo clearing his throat. Her eyes grew wide as she realized she'd them caught staring and her gaze dropped faster than lightning.

"You weren't so shy a few seconds ago. Why the sudden change?"

"I dunno what you're talking about." Hesitation was clear as her voice replied. All he did was let out a small chuckle. This caught Michelle off guard because his voice sounded smooth and husky, unlike Jake's, which gave her migraines every time.

With a sigh, Lorenzo spoke "You and I aren't going to take this conversation anywhere if you don't look me In the eyes when you speak Michelle" She had to admit, her name sounded so good coming out his mouth that she clenched her thighs together as a foreign sensation overcame her lower half.

"How am I going to have a conversation with a person? I don't even know the name of" She finally faced him, trying very hard not to look away.

"Ah I'm sorry cuoricino forgive my lack of manners," he said leaning into the table and extending his right hand towards me for a handshake "Lorenzo Ravello," he said and she couldn't help but feel like she'd heard that name before, and that face, that face looked so familiar she swore she'd seen it before. But where? As she extended her left hand to receive the handshake her hand couldn't stop shaking, something Lorenzo took notice of and just to tease her, instead of a handshake he leaned in and gave the back of her hand a lingering kiss.

he stared directly at her as her face turned a darker shade of pink, which was thankfully hidden by her slightly darker skin. Unfortunately, Lorenzo noticed this and couldn't contain the smirk that broke off his face. Upon seeing their hands still connected, Michelle quickly snatched hers away. But during that process, Michelle couldn't ignore the foreign sensation again. Causing her to clench her thighs tighter. Unfortunately, this time, Lorenzo noticed, and this just filled his ego, seeing as he had that kind of effect on her.

"Your father and I had a few discussions, and both of us finally came to a mutual agreement," Lorenzo spoke

"Which was?" She asked as she tilted her head, a small pout resting on her face. Lorenzo wanted nothing more than to just kiss it away, turning it into breathless moans, filling this entire office—" Mr. Ravello?" Michelle called out, getting Lorenzo's attention. When he realized he'd just zoned out, he cleared his throat and set upright in his chair

"For now, that isn't important. All you need to know is that you'll be stuck with me for a while." As Lorenzo said, he took a glimpse at his watch as if realizing he had somewhere to be.

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