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When the bus came to a stop at the bus station in Philadelphia, my mood instantly dropped. I had to force myself not to go back to New York. "I'm doing this for my grandmother," I told myself. Speaking of her, her phone hadn't been active for four days now, which was very weird considering she would call me at least 3 times a week to check up on me. maybe she lost it. That could be the case.

When I got off, the first thing I did was call an Uber, which was 5 minutes away, so I decided I should call Jake and Kc. On the fourth ring, he picked up.

"Sup, Ms," he said first

"HI," I said as I kicked a random rock pavement. "I made it safely. Now I'm just waiting for an Uber to come pick me up. "

"Michelle sweetie, you sound like you're about to fall over. Are you sure this is a great idea? I mean, if you want, it's not too late. we could always just come pick you up and lock you in our basement forever, " She jokingly suggested

I let out a small giggle."I'll call you guys later my Uber's here, bye,"

"Love you, bye, oh, and good luck. I have a feeling you need it," KC said.

"Sure." I hung up the call as the Uber driver got out to help me with my luggage, As I got in the car's back seat

"Where to Ms," he asked. As I told him my address, he started driving me off to hell.


Lorenzo Ravello's POV:


" Come on Matthew don't be a fucking pussy" I said to the idiot sitting in front of me. A pleased smirk on my face

"Don Enzo please I don't know anything, please. Just believe me"

"Please?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. ", that's not the song you sang 10 minutes" I said

"I don't what she was talking about Don. Please, believe me, the bitch wants me dead so she can have all my money. I swear I didn't do it" the idiot tried justifying himself again. The thing is I had the proof. The voice recording, the video, and the witnesses so I don't know what he could have given me that would make me wanna release him.

"You're a disgusting piece of shit you know Matthew and here I was thinking I could even for one second include you in my inner circle but I guess you and I weren't meant to be," I said as I punched him in the face. He started wiping since the first minute he woke up here and to be honest it was starting to get kinda
boring which is why I knew the next sentence would get the reaction I wanted from him." Too bad your father was fed to the FBI as bait. I wonder if we do the same to you" I said

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE YOU BASTARD" He shouted trying hard to get out of his restraints but miserably failed. All I did was stand there with a smirk on my face

"So your true colors are starting to show," said Felix, my younger brother. "You know I was starting to feel sorry for you buddy but I guess I was wrong after all. You really are fucking disgusting." He said making a disgusted look on his face

When Matthew realized what he had just done he looked right about ready to shit his pants which was amusing to watch since Felix was always the light of the room but I on the other hand was the complete opposite

"You raped your own fucking daughter you sick fuck. so if anything you should be dead right I suggest you be grateful you're Still alive." He said with a snarled voice

"FUCK YOU" Matthew shouted at the both of us. While I had a look of amusement and Felix was laughing at his pathetic attempt to sound tough as one of my men inside the cell handed me my gun. He knew he was fucked

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