Chapter 7: Cataclysm

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The shadow corruption maneuvered itself around the Reality Orb, climbing upwards and constructing an impenetrable fortress, where Shadowclaw was hiding. The Reality Orb was still in her control, unable to defend itself due to her powerful and continually growing influence.

"There she is!" Lily spotted Shadowclaw hovering over the Reality Orb, attempting to drain its power to use for herself. "Come on, we have to hurry before.. Before something terrible happens." Ruby stated. Just then, Shadowclaw stopped stealing energy from the Reality Orb, using its energy to make her stronger.

"We... we're too late..." Ruby stated.

Shadowclaw cracked the Reality Orb open, ripping out pieces of its shell, exposing its inner core, causing the Orb to try and defend itself by using its tendrils, but to no success, as the corruption took control of the pure energy inside the Reality Orb.

Shadowclaw used her new powers to give herself a new look, one of demonic intentions, with a bright purple and black aura surrounding her, and commanded the corruption to destroy everything. The corruption began to consume the Reality Orb, hoping to cause a multiversal black hole.

"She's about to blow up the Earth!" Lexi shouted. "Ryder! Do something!"

Ryder, quickly grabbing a portal opening device, powered it on and shot it at the Reality Orb, giving the Orb the strength it needed to expel most of the corruption from it, along with breaking a large chunk of the corruption off of Shadowclaw.

"Lucy!" Lexi shouted at her sister, waking her up and causing her to realize the damage she had caused.

"What... What have I done..." Lucy thought to herself, before seeing that her arm was still corrupted, being tied to one of the tendrils of the Reality Orb.

The corruption was starting to grow back. "Help! I-I can't break myself free!" she yelled, struggling to break herself free from the Reality Orb's tight grasp. 

Lexi, worried for her sisters' safety, grabbed the portal device from Ryders' hands, powered it on, and shot a powerful energy beam at the Reality Orb until the device was overloaded.

"Come on... Please work..." Lexi prayed to herself.


The Reality Orb pulled in much energy, somewhat like a black hole, but instead used the energy to expel the corruption from the world, eventually releasing Lucy from the grip of its Reality Tendrils.

This action of purification also brought Bellarma back to how it originally looked, before the Glitch's power caused the Orb to go haywire, which changed everything.

Lexi ran over to Lucy, trying to make sure she was okay. "Lucy!" Lexi shouted as she spotted Lucy, unconscious from the lack of energy, stolen from her by the Reality Orb. "Speak to me, please!"

Lucy was in a deep coma. However, she could still hear her sisters' angelic, but distressed voice, learning about how Lexi truly missed her, and how Lexi wanted to save her from the monster that stole her life.

In an instant, the Hunter arrived with a team of ambulances to make sure Lucy was healthy.


"I-Is she going to be okay?" Lexi worriedly asked a nurse. "We... We don't know yet... that orb... sphere... thing stole most of the life force from her... I'm so sorry Lexi.." the nurse replied.

Heartbroken by the news, Lexi began to tear up. "Let me be with my sister, by myself... Please..." she asked. The nurse quickly left the room. Lexi, alone with her sister, started trying to speak to Lucy, hoping that Lucy could hear her words.

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