Chapter 2: Incoming Danger

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"What's going on?" Ryder asked after running into the command center.

"There's some weird black sludge that we spotted underneath the Orb," Clawz replied. "We aren't sure what it does, but this can't be a good sign."

"Send it to the lab. Test it on one of those weakened glitch monsters we found." Ryder commanded.

Clawz took the strange, pitch black liquid to the lab, handing it over to a scientist who ran multiple experiments to test what it does, and how it reacts to different substances.

"Clawz, have the scientists found out what the stuff does?" Ryder asked. "Come look for yourself," Clawz replied.

Ryder walked into the lab and saw that the glitch monster had been corrupted, with black goo oozing from the hands, cloaking the face in darkness, its mouth broken and misshapen, purple tears bleeding from the monster's eyes.

"Worthless!" the monster cried out, breaking out of its cage and attacking one of the scientists.

"Oh crap!" Ryder yelled, tackling the monster and burning it. "Are you okay?" Ryder asked the scientist. "I'll be fine, that sludge stuff can only spread if someone has sad thoughts," he replied. "Interesting," Ryder stated.

Ryder went upstairs to the radio, turning it on, and reading an announcement to the entirety of the island.

"Attention Bellarma! Please make sure your loved ones are happy, because we have discovered a type of sludge that spreads whenever sad thoughts occur near it. We are also locking down the great crater of Bellarma until further notice," a loudspeaker stated in every town and city.

The Reality Orb knew what was about to happen, but couldn't stop the impending danger without help.

"Hey Lexi, you ever get the feeling that someone is stalking you?" Lily asked. "No? Why?" She replied.

"Uhm... no reason," Lily nervously replied.

"Almost got spotted," a shadowed figure thought to herself. "Just gotta keep quiet and spread the shadow corruption and soon I'll control the world."

Meanwhile, in Glastreo City

"Why are there so many tree saplings here?" Ruby asked Superdog. "I'm not sure, though it could be because they were from the remains of The Incident," he replied.

Suddenly, Ruby spotted someone crying in a corner. "I'm.... Worthless..." the person kept repeating.

"Hello? You okay?" Ruby went up to the person, trying to comfort them. In an instant, the person jumped up at her and tackled her, the face corrupted by the goo, transforming the victim's eyes to just a black mask with tears, and a mouth dripping with blood.

"Help!" Ruby screamed, trying to get the infected person off of her. She activated her powers and punched the infected person into a wall.

"Call Ryder, the shadow goo stuff is in Glastreo City," Ruby commanded.

Glastreo City was placed on lockdown. The Reality Orb started to pulse, as if something dangerous was about to happen.

"Something bad is about to happen, I just know it," Ryder stated. "That sludge is infecting people in Glastreo City, and it is mutating as we speak. It probably can infect people faster now."

"Glastreo City is fully infected," the Hunter claimed. "We can only hope that it doesn't spread fast enough to be unstoppable."

"We should be safe, right?" Lexi asked. "We will be fine, as long as we keep our distance from the broken minded," Ryder replied.

"Who are you?" Ruby asked, looking at Lexi. "Oh yea, Lexi, these are Ruby, Clawz, and the Hunter. They helped stop the Glitch 6 years ago." Ryder explained to Lexi.

"My name is Lexi, I came here from another reality, which I'm sure is a concept you are all familiar with by now." Lexi stated.

Lily looked outside, keeping an eye on the Reality Orb.

The Reality Orb stopped pulsing, but that was a sign that danger had arrived. The infection is growing stronger. It's only a matter of time.

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