Chapter 5: Shadow's Reign

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"Isn't it a little weird that you kinda look like me?" The Hunter asked Lexi. "I mean, I guess so, but it is probably just a coincidence," she replied.

Suddenly, Shadowclaw appeared in front of the whole group. "You're too late!" She shouted. "While you were busy trying to calm down Ruby from her mental crisis, caused by ME, I took all control of this weak island, and now you are all about to fall to the Shadow Corruption!!"

Shadowclaw launched some of the corruption onto the Reality Orb, causing the Orb to become corrupted, giving her full control of the broken minded.

She then captured most members of the group and corrupted them, with the only survivors being Ryder, Ruby, and Lily.

"We aren't gonna win... are we..." Lily exclaimed, which caused her to start becoming corrupted. "Don't think that way Lily, we still have a chance," Ryder replied, while fighting off the corrupted people. "We still have a chance, as long as we keep our minds clear."

"You're right, we can do this." Lily responded. "We just have to work together, and quickly!"

Suddenly, Lily's face was clawed open by one of the Fallen, corrupting her, as she was dragged into the darkness.

Ruby and Ryder continued to use their powers of fire to fight off the corrupted. They each took out a large chunk of the corrupted army, but Ruby, in a moment of distraction, caused by Shadowclaw's ability to bring back past memories, let her guard down, and she was subsequently clawed in the face by the twisted remains of Superdog, and the shadows started to take over her body.

"Dad, I-I'm scared. A-am I going to die?" Ruby worriedly asked, falling into Ryders' arms, while he was still processing what Ruby just said. "Keep a strong mind, y-you aren't going to die, a-as long as you stay mentally strong," he replied to his daughter from another reality.

Ruby tried as much as she could to stay alive, but in the end, she gave up, hugging Ryder before losing control of her body, becoming a puppet to the shadow corruption.

Ryder started to tear up, running to an isolated place in the jungle, near the remains of Glastreo City, before the corruption could spread and take control of his body.

"So I'm the last person here that is not corrupted..." Ryder stated. "I can't do anything to save this world without dying."

Just then, Ryder looked at his hand and saw that he was bleeding the black goo. "Oh no... This... this can't be happening..." he said, stumbling, falling onto the ground, as he lost to the corruption.

Just like that, Bellarma was corrupted, under the control of Shadowclaw...

"This Island is MINE now!" Shadowclaw shouted. "That stupid glitch couldn't take this place over so I did it myself!"

"Well done, Lucy," The Reality Master said from an unknown location. "This world is ours now."

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