Chapter 1: Six Years Later

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It's been 6 years since the war against the Glitch. The Reality Orb is still healing from the extensive damage caused by that monster.

Ryder, also known as the Fire Master, has been tasked along with Clawz and the Hunter to do a routine check on the Orb to make sure no portals have opened, and if there are portals, they don't lead to evil.

"Time to do another check," Ryder thought to himself. He put on his work outfit and headed to the site of observation, like he has for the past 6 years.

He arrived at the site, pressing a button to activate the devices used to track the Reality Orb. "What the?" Ryder exclaimed, spotting a portal tendril currently active. He grabbed a reality device and headed to the portal.

"Really? An anime dimension?" Ryder groaned. "At least it doesn't look like it's dangerous."

Ryder prepared to close the portal, when a person was thrown out of the portal and landed on Ryder, knocking him out.

"Where... am I?" The young woman questioned, turning around and seeing Ryder unconscious. "Oh no! 5 seconds in this world and I might've already killed someone!" She started to get nervous and tried to wake him up, eventually pouring water over his head to awaken him.

"Agh! Why am I soaked??" Ryder questioned, looking up and seeing the girl. "Am I in heaven? Did I just die? Because an angel is in front of me."

"What?" She turned around and saw that her wings and halo were visible. Getting nervous, she took off her halo and tried to hide her wings.

"Uhm sir? Where am I?" She asked Ryder. "You're in Bellarma, you were brought here because of the Reality Orb."

"The Reality Orb? That's why I'm here?" She questioned herself. "Oh yeah, my name is Lexi, sorry for not immediately introducing myself."

"It's fine, my name is Ryder. May I ask why you hid your halo and wings?" He spoke.

"Uhm, I don't really like to show them around people, because where I'm from, they hunt down people like me because I have powers that they don't have. They're very jealous of people like me," Lexi explained.

"Well, I have a job to do, you can stay here while I close this portal," Ryder stated, closing the active portal.

"So why are you closing these portals?" Lexi asked. "The longer a portal is open, the more unwanted attention it brings," Ryder explained, "this portal has been open for at least 30 minutes, which is not great, but I don't think anyone or anything has noticed it."

"And what happened the last time something found its way here?" Asked Lexi.

"Everything almost ended, to put it simply," Ryder stated. "You see that big box-like structure over there? That used to be the futuristic Glastreo City, but most of it was destroyed when the Reality Orb imploded, causing most of the city to be replaced by a western-ish town."

"Wow. That is enough to scar someone for life, how did it even get to that point?" Asked Lexi. "I'm not sure, but all I know is that if the Reality Orb isn't monitored, it could happen again," Ryder replied.

"Who are you talking to?" Lilybug walked to Ryder and Lexi.

"Is that a dog or a person?" Lexi was very confused. "Both? I mean I'm a dog but have characteristics of a person." Lily replied. "I'm also one of the few people of my kind here."

"You don't seem like you're from Bellarma," Lexi stated. "Maybe a portal brought you here?"

"Maybe, but I don't remember when or how I got here," Lily replied. "But Ryder here has been training me to make sure I don't die in case the Reality Orb implodes again!"

"It's not gonna implode unless severe damage is done to it," Ryder stated, "and from what I can tell its shell is stronger now."

Suddenly, an alarm sounded. "Hang on, I'll be right back!" Ryder yelled as he was running to the command center to see what was happening. "Should we follow him?" Lexi asked. "Nah, it's probably just some tiny animal," Lily replied.

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