Start from the beginning

I remembered what Egon had told me when we were resting in the woods, and given what Karina just said, it seemed true that almost everyone, humans and shifters alike, had a universal reaction whenever they were in Egon's presence, displaying immediate submission or even fear.

However, I didn't feel the same overwhelming sense of power from Egon as she described. Perhaps it was because of the mate bond we shared.

Suddenly we stopped in front of a bustling kitchen. The staff moved around as they busied themselves with what seemed to be preparations for dinner.

People were washing massive piles of dirty dishes, while others polished dozens of crystal glasses until they sparkled. Some were chopping through a mountain of vegetables, swiftly adding them to a cauldron of boiling water. In the centre of it all, a hefty pig rotated on a spit over an open fire.

A few people glanced up as we stepped into the kitchen. Most of them went back to their duties without sparing us another glance, however, I couldn't help but notice that a few were sending hostile looks in our direction, as though we were intruders.

"This is the kitchen," Karina explained, unfazed by the stares. "If we're needed here, it'll mostly be for washing dishes."

I nodded, taking in the lively atmosphere of the room. Suddenly, Karina's attention was drawn to a girl struggling with a heavy sack of potatoes, attempting to hoist it onto the counter. Without hesitation, Karina rushed over to assist her.

"Do you need a hand?" she asked as she effortlessly lifted the sack onto the counter.

I watched in shock as Karina handled the heavy load with ease. It made me doubt Egon's words about Omegas possessing human strength. It seemed he had overestimated the capabilities of the humans.

Suddenly, a whisper sounded from behind me. "A human in the Alpha King's court."

I turned around to find an older woman in a simple brown dress, its fabric soiled with stains from food and grease. "I hope more of our kind infiltrate his court," she continued in a sneering tone as she cast a disdainful glance at Karina, who was still lifting bags onto the counter. "This castle shouldn't be tainted with their kind."

I was taken aback by the woman's cold tone and my gaze shifted to Karina, who remained occupied with aiding the girl. Considering her refined senses as a werewolf, I knew she must have heard the woman's spiteful words. It saddened me to think that Karina might be hurt by her words, especially since she had been nothing but welcoming.

"I think she is very kind," I replied, redirecting my attention back to the woman.

The woman shot me a look of disdain. "Ah, you're one of those, a traitor who welcomes those beasts," she replied before turning away, murmuring to herself.

I was shocked by the woman's prejudiced words, as they didn't match Karina's character at all.

However, with a jolt of realization, I suddenly wondered if I was any different. Did I not often let my own prejudices guide me as well? With a furrowed brow, I pondered over my actions. I had promised myself to open up to Egon's world, but too often the fear of shifters still gripped me. Was this fair of me? Hadn't I been treated well by most shifters so far?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted as Karina returned. "Thank you," she whispered softly as she escorted me out of the kitchen.

"I was being honest" I replied to her, offering her a smile.

Karina linked her arm with mine as we continued walking through the castle. "I've never had a human friend before. Will you be mine?"

Her straightforward question caught me off guard, but as I thought about it, her question didn't seem so crazy after all. She was nice and helpful. Besides, I wanted to overcome my fears towards the shifters. I had to take the first step at some point.

Shifters - The king of wolves - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now