Valentine Special: Regulus Corneas Love Life.

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A/N: This is not canon! Not canon, I repeat! I changed my mind about what would happen next, so this is no longer canon like I had stated last year. Exactly because it is no longer canon that I deleted this last year, but since one of my readers likes this special, I will re-post this. Also, I hope you didn't miss the chapter I posted like 5 minutes ago and mistaken it for this one.

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Valentine Special: Regulus Corneas Love Life.

Regulus Corneas P.O.V

What is it with today that I keep seeing people giving out chocolate to women? And why do they seem happy about it?? Wasn't the act of giving out something to others generously is basically pitying them? Pitying is the form of humiliation so those women instead of being happy, they should be bitter about it instead.

That is what I had been musing on at the village center. People are still throwing glances at me once or twice, but maybe because they don't want to offend me or something, they just stop paying attention to me and continue on with their day.

The villagers sure seem to be getting used to me well after a year, and that is all contributing to that accursed woman! If it wasn't for that bitch and that bitch with red and the bitch with house for a hat, I wouldn't even be stuck in here! I want to complain more but that accursed woman probably is looking at me through that abominable ability of hers that is absolutely abhorrent! Well, that accursed woman wouldn't be her if she didn't degrade my existence like that, I guess.

As I was contemplating my life choices, a woman I know so well and hate walked up to me. It was the bitch with the hat. "So this is where you've been." She said that in a very fake courteous tone, or that is what I think anyway.

"Huh? What's wrong with me being here? I should be able to be anywhere I want, no? Don't tell me that you are going to steal this right of mine away from me too? Sad to say that I will not allow you to—."

Annoyed, the woman named Keine said, "Not that, keep your rights. I'm just checking on you since you still are a danger to the village."

"Tch, cutting me off like always, I see. Are you really a teacher? I think I told you many times to not cut me off mid sentence, no? But you didn't do that and still do it anyway time and time again; so much so that I seriously began to doubt whether or not you're a teacher, as I believed that teachers wouldn't show such rude behavior, no? Regardless of that, what with the women and men being such a whore today." Saying that, I pointed at the crowd of men and women exchanging something I would call a gift while having red faces; which I have to say that those flushed cheeks and red lips are very disgusting to watch as that is the sign of a sexual response.

Seeing such a scene with my very eyes, I want to hurl and say 'go get a room already'. But even if I want to say such a thing that I've thought of saying, it is yet another form of decency that I absolutely abhor. Ewww, sexual intercourse sure is disgusting. That is why I'm superior to them as I don't need such disgusting things to be one with my wives and be satisfied with them. I can simply give my 'heart' to them and share a heartbeat with them, doesn't that sound more romantic?

And having heard my previous short rant, Keine just sighs at it and says, "That is something called 'love'. Today is Valentine's Day so it is expected that there will be a lot of confession today. So stop throwing such disgusted expressions at them, you are ruining the mood."

Hearing she said such, I began to say, "What do you mean by 'ruining the mood', love is something that cannot be ruined by such a thing, if it were to be ruined by such a thing, it is not love. The idea of love being shaken by something like that is beyond laughable."

Greed Driven ArchbishopNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ