Chapter 3: Human Village and Human Interaction

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Chapter 3: Human Village and Human Interaction

Regulus Corneas P.O.V

After the world started to move again, I also started to move as well through the forest with a purpose in mind, and that said purpose, which wasn't really a purpose as I didn't desire anything for I am already perfect, is to simply walk out of this forest. But that doesn't mean that I don't like this forest though as the scenery in this forest is filled with serenity unlike any other common human settlement out there where it is only filled with violence. And the only sound I heard in this forest canopy was only my own footsteps which are kind of peaceful to hear unlike those annoying whines of a selfish individual, which can only increase my liking toward this environment even more.

You can even say that even if I decided to stay in this forest, I would be satisfied either way as I did not need something as foolish as love and affection to have the need to find civilization for my own comfort. But, I cannot simply go and live off my life as a hermit now could I? And don't get me wrong, it is not because I'm not satisfied with that kind of life to decide such, but it is because as a human being, I still have some obligation, no matter how small, to help out another human being who is in need. And so as generous as I am, I will not take my independence and live alone, instead out of concern for others, I will help out those of my preference that fate had led me into so that they do not get caught on to the idea of love, as with love they would be unable to become independent, which is not a way for people to live their lives as independent is linked to satisfaction of a person. And so to save them from such a fate of being unable to become independent, I would have them as my wife, not out of love, but out of my generosity as I will give them their framework of living so that they would be able to be fully satisfied with their own respected life with me as their lovely husband.

And as I was thinking about how it's a good idea to go out of this forest for the reason I just described previously, I eventually saw a light peeking through the many trees before me after a long time of pondering, causing me to end my internal dialogue short even if I had something more to add for the thought.

Seeing the light, I quickly made a decision, and I began to walk toward the light as my decision was now set on going to find civilization for the reason I had generously thought earlier. After I stepped through the light, what I walked into was a clearing without anything in sight except a large village surrounded by a wall, which is not far from where I'm standing. If I were to describe the village, I would describe it as a smaller Kararagi as I could see its unique architecture even from here. And after that observation, I now believed that I was somewhere on the Kararagi border, which wasn't that far from Priestella city, the place I had previously 'died'.

Knowing that I began to curse those who killed me when I did nothing wrong. The only thing I did at that moment was my job, and who can wrong me for simply doing my job? It turned out to be that bastard, that bitch, and that knight, when I was working, those three dickheads just popped up and killed me. But since I am now alive and kicking due to fate reviving me to continue my duty as a living being, I can't simply let them go now, could I? And so this time I will definitely not show my mercy on them like last time. Now let's see if their pathetic self can survive me now! All I have to do now to get to their greedy self is to cross the Tigracy River, and I'll swear that their karma will be paid! But lucky for them that justice would not be served for a little later as I don't know where the Tigracy River is from my current location, but that is okay as for a patient man like I am, I can wait. So I will take a resident in the village I saw first before fate guides me to them eventually.

With that decision made, I began to walk calmly toward the village in front of me. While I was doing that, I began to think about what kind of people I would meet and hope that they are not rude. If they are rude then I will get rid of them accordingly like how I exterminate that excuse of a village that once called my birthplace. If I do decide to get rid of it in the end, however, then I will not complain about not having a place to stay throughout the night either as I don't need something like sleep as I don't need anything.

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