Chapter 2: Favorable Variation and Many Annoying Unfortunate Situations

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Chapter 2: Favorable Variation and Many Annoying Unfortunate Situations

Regulus Corneas P.O.V

It's been quite a while since I started walking through the forest canopy, and there is nothing new. A few birds and animals then and there, but that's about it, and I had not found a single intelligent life form ever since.

And while I was walking calmly toward who-know-where, my thoughts started to drift to the encounter I had with that intolerable floating little shit. The weird thing about that encounter is that I somehow was able to use my authority to the fullest without it becoming too much of a nuisance to my heart and person, which can be said to be one of a few things that are truly a violation of my authority.

Like seriously, just how dare whoever it is to put restrictions to [Greed]? This is unforgivable, so to get rid of this restriction, I put my heart to my lovely wives that fate had graciously offered to me as a sign of a good job and well done with my duty as a sin archbishop. That is what husband and wife do, isn't it? Two become one flesh, that is. So it's fully within my right to put my heart into them, burdening them, as the wife in any relationship should take on some of the burden of their lovely husband, like how a husband should take on some of the burdens of their lovely wife. I believed that every relationship should go two ways, as give and take is the most basic thing in whatever relationship one could have, as once the relationship only goes one way, those relationships are nothing but bitter and shouldn't be called as such.

Anyway, going back to the problem at hand, which is not really a problem as a perfect existence such as myself shouldn't have any challenges, saying that I have challenges was already an infringement upon my rights, therefore this is not a challenge but a mere annoyance that is quite beneficial to me.

Many things can be the cause of me not getting any drawbacks from my authority, and the first thing that comes to my mind is that one of my lovely wives might possibly be nearby. But that possibility quickly got scraped off as I should have felt their love if they were truly nearby as our heartbeats would be intertwined.

The second possibility I came up with and is the most unlikely, is that I might not have a heart in my body anymore... who's kidding? That can't be possible, so this idea had to be scrapped as well.

Now for the third possibility that I can think of, which is the most likely in my opinion, is that maybe fate had a hand in what had happened to me. And if that were really the case then I see no reason to complain as I do not shy away from something that is being given to me, especially what fate is given to me, so why shouldn't I accept it? I believed that most unbelievable, and unexplainable, things that happen are due to fate, as fate is the running force of the universe. And since that seems to be the case, it's definitely fate at work here that caused this to happen to me as there is nothing that can explain it.

And finally coming up with an answer that can satisfy me, I continue on my merry way with no destination in mind.

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Sakuya Izayoi P.O.V

It had been a while since I sensed the anomaly in time inside the Youkai Forest, and I didn't know if I should be worried or vigilant as this is too close to Mistress's home. But what I do know is that as a maid, I would have to relay this information to my Mistress as any information should be relayed to the Mistress first as she is the head of the household.

However, because I know that the dawn had just pass, I know for a matter of fact that the Mistress is currently sleeping in her coffin at this time schedule due to her Vampiric nature, but even if that were to be the case, I still have to dutifully tell her about the current urgent situation that suddenly appeared out of thin air, and I could only blame it to that gap youkai. And so when I planned everything out, I began to stop time around me, making the world freeze in the color of gray, and after that, I began to walk toward the Mistress chamber.

Greed Driven ArchbishopWhere stories live. Discover now