Chapter 12: Float Away From Everything Not

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Chapter 12: Float Away From Everything Not

Regulus Corneas P.O.V

Just now, I was unable to act and unable to decide to do anything. I don't know what drove me to commit such a simple mistake. The mistake I committed was so simple that it doesn't make sense. How can a divine being such as myself commit a mistake? Wait no... wait a second!!

... Now that I think about it more, it is indeed impossible for me to commit such an embarrassing mistake! There can't be something influencing my thoughts, can there? As a divine being, the most perfect of beings, being influenced by something external is unthinkable! But... That possibility is more plausible than me committing such an embarrassing mistake. It's definitely not my fault, so there must be someone who caused me to act strangely previously! That's obviously right! Why hadn't I thought of such an obvious answer to my weird, unexplainable, and embarrassing action just now? Why did I even feel embarrassed just now, even if it's just a little? The most satisfied being, such as myself, can't make such a mistake or be embarrassed about anything! After all, I am satisfied! That's right!! Being embarrassed means regretting something I did, and someone such as myself never regrets anything! To say that I'm embarrassed is a lie; it is not my character! So someone must have done something to me!! How dare they invade my innermost sanctuary? How dare they cause me to be unable to reach a satisfying conclusion and unable to act satisfyingly?! To influence my thoughts to such an extent, who dared do that to me!? The one who just caused me to commit such an embarrassing act should be the one embarrassed! They should be conscious of what they did to me!!!

As I was screaming that in my mind, I got through to the other side. With me falling through, I thought that I got through to the other side of the world. But regardless, I am confident that I can simply go back to those rights violators, why can't I? I am perfect, therefore I am capable of doing anything, even suggesting that I can't do something is an absurdity that I can't stand.

After I get through the earth and reach the place beneath the ground, I shift my position a bit to look at where I'm at. After doing such, I can see many Kararagi-style buildings laid about and a big palace in the distance. Even though I find it weird that there are structures underground, I don't have the mind to care about it. After all, I still have some business with the pieces of shit above. I cannot let them live after what they have done.

I also suspect that one of them is influencing my mind previously, so I got even more business with them. For that, I planned to stop myself mid-air to get back to those who put me in this situation. But... before I could put that plan into action, I got hit by something from the side. But even though I got hit, it didn't do anything to me except make me annoyed.

This again! Who is hitting me?! ... Now, I feel as though I have experienced that before. Regardless of that, wasn't it rude to attack someone? It is like attacking a pedestrian out of the blue when they did nothing, that is obviously wrong! For that, how dare whoever it was to attack me!?

After I threw a string of curses in my mind, I began to stop myself mid-air and levitated down to the ground. Afterward, I began to look for the culprit who just assaulted me. As I looked around, I found the assaulter. Upon seeing who had done such an attack against me, my eyes turned into dots out of pure anger, "Why you you you!!! Why are you still alive? How are you still alive!? You should have died!! You should have, I had made sure of that! So why are you still alive? How did you survive? This is a violation of my rights!"

"Yeah yeah, 'right' this, 'right' that, isn't all of that just a roundabout way of saying 'you hurt my feelings'?"

"Hurt my feelings?" I parroted, then afterward, I shouted, "To insinuate that a perfect existence such as myself has my feelings hurt because of you, are you out of your mind? My heart is unbreakable! To even suggest that my heart got broken by the likes of you, you are lowering me as a person. I am not as weak as you suggested myself to be, and therefore, you are violating my rights as a person!" My voice trembles as I direct my rage at the girl in front of me. But it seemed that those words hadn't reached the girl at all.

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