Chapter 5: Nature vs Fantasy

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Chapter 5: Nature vs Fantasy

Reimu Hakurei P.O.V

Urk, can't I just sit and relax in my shrine in the morning without any interruption for once? However, knowing Gensokyo, I was half expecting youkai to be causing trouble in some way or another in my peaceful morning, but a human, much less an outsider, causing trouble? I wasn't expecting that in the slightest. Neither did I expect Aya, the obnoxious tengu reporter, to come and annoy me to answer her questions in the morning so that she can cover a news story.

If it wasn't for Aya coincidentally coming across this potential minor incident on one of her scouts and notifying me about it, I wouldn't even be here. But even if I don't want to go investigate it and rather sleep, I will still do it out of necessity anyway as it would be a problem if the population of either youkai or humans were to go down, even if it is just slightly. And good thing that I'm here since the cause of the potential minor incident in question had already killed someone in cold blood by cleanly cutting them in half. I'm a bit angry at first of course, but maybe because youkai had killed people all the time, and had done something even worse, that I had gone numb to it? But anyhow, I think he is currently fuming, I don't know why though.

"How dare you say that I'm annoying!! And you, red and white, too! How dare you say in front of me that you'd rather not talk to me, and rather beat me up instead!? Not talking to others despite them talking to you shows a lack of respect for them and their opinions. Everyone has a right to be talked to and listened to, and when we violate that right, we are disrespecting them as individuals. And there's about attacking me too!! Wanting to attack my person is like you are trying to put me down and making me feel inferior! How dare you!! Don't you think that—."

Ah, that's why. I don't know whether I should be exasperated or frustrated at this as I don't know what is the deal with him, but as I said earlier, talking to him seems like a waste of time as it only makes things worse. And so after getting tired of hearing him speak, I decided to just attack him while he is talking, following Gensokyo rule #1, attack first then ask questions later, with my ofuda(or in Regulus words, a paper with strange writing on it), Marisa also seems to follow my attack with her wide array of star base attacks and lasers, while saying something like "Finally some action-ze!" and "I don't want to hear this Rinnosuke doppelganger speak another word-ze!". Eh, Rinnosuke? Oh right, he does look like him.

But back to the situation at hand, everything seems to not be affecting the outsider at all. I don't know how that works, but I will try to figure it out so that I can put this guy back in his place.

"You you you!!! Not only did you lower me as a person, but you also decided to cut me off when I was talking!! Don't you know that when people are talking, they have a right to speak without being interrupted? Cutting me off when I was talking is a violation of my right to speak, you should know that it was a common courtesy to not cut people off after all as it is both rude and disrespectful! It also is frustrating for me who is trying to communicate without wanting to be interrupted! Cutting me off is also sending a message that you are not interested in what I was saying. It was like you were saying that I wasn't worth your time! Just how low do you think I am, huh? Just how high do you think you are to look down on me!!"

Geez, he's still going? While he was still speaking, my hands didn't stop moving at all and is still throwing stuff at him in any way I could think of, like aiming at his head, his torso, and other parts of his body specifically as he has to have some weakness, right? Maybe there is some condition that needs to be fulfilled to have his invincibility to work? But that seems the more unlikely the more I throw stuff at him. Marisa also seems to be relentless with her attack, as she seems so determined to break his invincibility spell or whatever it is.

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