Chapter 13: Disorder and the Forgotten + Omake

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Chapter 13: Disorder and the Forgotten

Yuugi Hoshiguma P.O.V

Man, at first, I thought this white-haired dude was a fool due to how highly he speaks of himself. But man, this... I love his strength!

I don't think I ever face someone, who is also not my fellow Devas, who could make me bleed. But despite his strength, I really dislike this guy's childishness and roundabout way of speaking. He seems to take everything as a personal offense. Maybe even when I complimented his strength, he would twist my words into insults. This guy probably is the first person I didn't like, despite him being this strong.

Really though, this guy's strength surprised me. I don't expect someone who acts like a child to possess this kind of strength. His body seems like your average human doesn't help me with that impression. But, I shouldn't judge, after all, Suika existed. Suika's ability to pack a huge punch despite having a small body is impressive. It's as impressive as her ability to hold her liquor, which can be comparable to mine. She is my friend alright.

On the topic of liquor, I would have invited this Regulus guy to a drink if he wasn't so stuck up. I had never seen someone so high up in the cloud before. In fact, he is still talking. While he's talking, I just go over to where I put my sake—which still hadn't spilled a single drop by the way—grab it, and drink it standing up.


Taking a good sip of sake is always great, especially when I need to think about something.

Reimu mentioned that Regulus can make himself unable to change. That makes him practically invincible, which sounds like a challenge to me. I said before that this fight is straightforward due to how simple Regulus is, but now I changed my mind after hitting him once; it doesn't seem simple at all! Because of that, I need to actually think about how to hit this guy for real, which is something I'm not good at.

Wait, now that I think about it, why do I even fight him again? *Hick*

Ah, right. Since the Shrine Maiden is so down-to-earth to fight him, I got interested in what is so special about him. I don't even know what business they have with each other, but I decided to join in the fun anyway. Based on how Regulus didn't use the Danmaku, it probably means that Regulus didn't listen to the Shrine Maiden or something and had a fight. Since they are not using spell cards, this might be my chance to fight someone without anything to restrict me like the Spell Card Rules. The Shrine Maiden also doesn't seem to mind, so I will join the fight just for the heck of it. This is so exciting!

I don't know how I'm gonna even win, but that is the fun in it. My blood is pumping. Since I'm going to fight for real this time, I should probably put my precious dish of sake aside, but keeping it on my person is the best protection it can get, so I'll hold it while fighting him. It probably means that I can only fight with my injured hand though, but that is fine.

Hmm, let's go with the plan of grabbing him and throwing him around. He can't take damage, so throwing him around, or perhaps even throwing him up past the cloud, would count as a win for me.

I remember a story about a guy named Jo-something beating an immortal being by sending him out to space, so I can do something similar to this 'invincible' guy. Damn, even just thinking about doing that makes me excited! I'll just not think anymore and do it.

With that thought, I grin and dash toward the still-speaking Regulus with my precious dish in my non-injured hand. Each step I took shook the ground, and in almost an instant, I got to Regulus without him ever reacting.

Despite being strong, he is slow.

When I got into a grabbing distance, I grabbed Regulus by the head with my injured hand not caring if it was injured or not, and began to swing him around in a circle to build momentum, ready to throw him somewhere far. But when I was about to throw him, the guy stopped. He freezes mid-air, and I, too, am frozen.

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