Chapter 10: One Second of Planning Part 2

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Chapter 10: One Second of Planning Part 2

Sakuya Izayoi P.O.V

After an extensive planning session that ends in the span of 1 second, Marisa, Keine, and I finally finish constructing a concrete plan that might allow us to win against the Anomaly who is, in the very sense of a word, invincible. I cannot foresee the future so I don't know if this plan will work but I will put my all into it so it will succeed. Perhaps the only one who can foresee the future regarding whether or not this plan will succeed is my mistress.

May my mistress look after me...

In any case, I need to prepare for the upcoming plan too. The plan is not complicated.

First, Marisa, Keine, and I will go back to the location where we were previously before the time acceleration so that the Anomaly wouldn't suspect a thing. Strike when the least suspected is the main component of this plan. For that reason, I will have to continue to throw my knives like before as if nothing changes. The more I do such, the more he thinks that I couldn't do anything to him, and the more he thinks that, when I truly strike, he would be unprepared and will get caught off guard by anything unexpected that I do. The second part of the plan starts when the Anomaly gets distracted. When he gets distracted I will—.

"Are ya ready, Sakuya? You are spacing out again-ze." The voice that cut me from my train of thought is Marisa who is preparing and adjusting her equipment so that everything will go as planned. It seems, my time spent reviewing the plan got cut short and the time to execute the plan is starting. It's a pity, but since I already memorize my part of the plan, it's not like I need to spend any more time looking over them anyway.

As everyone got into their location, I stopped the acceleration of time, causing everything that was previously frozen in my perception to start to move again. As things start to move like normal, the mouth of the Anomaly that had been frozen previously also suddenly becomes noisy again...

"— as you should have realized by now, you are ruining my day. Seriously, if you hadn't realized that fact, you are either a selfish individual who only cares about yourself or an egotistical person who looks down on others, including mine, to consolidate your own importance. Both possibilities are equally disgusting. To have such a mindset just shows how disgusting you are. Selfishly ignore others for your own need and have the gall to look down on others to emphasize your importance; both are equally violating people's rights, and in turn, violating mine! My most precious temple [body] and my innermost sanctuary [mind] are both things that shouldn't be violated by anyone, but but but both were being violated by you fucker!!! Does no one teach you that you should treat others mental and physical wellbeing with care, respect, and extreme mindfulness!? Now there is also the matter of how you treat me—"

... His mouth never shut up it seemed. But no matter, I grab the knives from under my skirt and throw them at Regulus who is still talking about more nonsense that I don't have the mind to listen to. As the knives hit Regulus, it ceases to exist by its tip and falls to the ground.

Regulus looks at me with annoyance for a second and says, "Now, why did you attack me again? How many times have you attacked me? How many times have I told you to not attack me? Are you by chance ignoring me? My words? Don't you realize that that is a violation of my right to speak? I believe everyone has the right to be listened to. Why don't you—" As he goes on to rant about my previous action, I simply ignored him like many times before as he speaks.

Now this is troublesome. The fact that the knives cease to be by its tip when it hits the Anomaly suggests that he is currently in the state of being 'immovable'. In this state, the Anomaly just cannot be moved from his location no matter how much outside forces were applied. With him being in this state, we wouldn't be able to get Regulus to space so I need to get him out of this state somehow.

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