Chapter 9: One Second of Planning Part 1

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So, I have to rewrite the later half of chapter 8 because I got things wrong about Regulus. If you don't want to reread it, let's just say that nothing happens when Sakuya tries to compress all of Regulus' past and future into the present. This in turn makes Sakuya question the impossibility of it since it is impossible for anyone to not have a past while being in the present... other than suggesting that the cosmic memory of Regulus was lost, which is impossible.

Anyway, here is the chapter.

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(A/N: Please translate the "World" as the "Universe" from this point on. And by the way, Regulus' power now works differently for a few chapters due to some circumstances that will be revealed in this chapter. His ability will work like how it is supposed to after a few chapters though so don't worry.)

Chapter 9: One Second of Planning Part 1

Sakuya Izayoi P.O.V

In the world, there are three layers.

The first layer is the physical layer, this layer follows the law of physics.

The mental layer comes second representing the spiritual and the collective sea of subconsciousness of all beings, this is where all your emotions lie.

Then there comes the third layer, the layer of memory. This layer dictates that everything, no matter if they are sentient or non-sentient, will have the 'memory' of things that have happened. These 'memories', that can't be forgotten and repeated, may keep altering the probability and constructing the future. This layer is known by many as the 'Determinism' interpretation, where the past determines the present and the present determines the future, or so I heard from Patchouli-sama anyway.

Erasing the world's memory is impossible—no, just merely suggesting it is outrageous, and so, how is this Anomaly able to do it? To not exist in the past while standing right here in the present — not in time, but in presence — it can only mean that the 'memory' of him did not exist at all, and so just how did he make the world forget about his existence?

Not only is he an anomaly in regard to space and time, he is seemingly also an anomaly regarding his standing in the world... Truly, the more I learned about the Anomaly, the more the word 'Anomaly' fit him.

As I'm pondering that, the sound of Anomaly complaining about trivial things can be heard in the background, never stopping. In one second he talked about how insulting him is a violation of his rights, in the next, he talked about how we are standing too far apart from him as if we are trying to avoid him, therefore we are discriminating against him as an outcast, which again is a violation of his rights, and then he goes on to contradict himself and said that we are bothering him and how we should leave him alone while justifying that this is his rights.

With utmost honesty, this guy might be the most talkative guy I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.

As I'm Listening to him, I feel like his rant can go on forever, and that might be why no one is willing to interrupt him as this can buy us some time to think of a way to get rid of this stalemate that had been going on for even before I had arrived. And so I decided to use my time wisely and begin to think about a way to bypass the Anomaly invulnerability.

Of course, I also accelerate my thought time for good measure so that I can have more time in my hand to think.




After some time of me thinking about his ability, I now began to doubt if his ability is really all about him freezing his own time in the past since if he really did freeze his own time, his time should be in the past of this world, but again, there isn't, and that is what baffled me greatly.

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