3.1 - Cowboy Like Me

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Cowboy Like Me - Taylor Swift
"Now you hang from my lips
Like the Gardens of Babylon
With your boots beneath my bed
Forever is the sweetest con"

Cowboy Like Me - Taylor Swift "Now you hang from my lipsLike the Gardens of BabylonWith your boots beneath my bedForever is the sweetest con"

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*partial smut?*
(Aurora's pov)
2 months later

Moonlight shines into my dark room through the curtains, along with light beaming from the City. But the sound of the bustling city is masked by the sound of moans and skin slapping.

"Loki" I moan out, leaning my head back into my pillow as my hair sticks to my slightly sweating skin.

Loki let's out some low moans and flips his hair out of his face. He closes his eyes and parts his mouth slightly, moaning out my name a few times.

"Cum my darling." Loki groans out

We both cum together, panting coming down from our high. Loki rolls off of me and lays down, pulling the blankets up to cover us.

I scoot next to him and lay my head on his bare chest. His arm wraps around me and caresses my bare back.
We lay in silence for a while. But then a knock on my front door breaks us out of our peace.
I turn to look at Loki, whom shares a confused look with me.
I sit up, gripping the blankets over my self. I go to stand up by Loki grabs my arm pulling me back onto my bed.

"No. Just stay here, ignore whoLoki purrs with a glint of mischief in his eyes

Another knock sounds again. I raise my eyebrows at Loki.

"Seems like the interpretation might be a bit desperate." I jest to the god as I stand up, pulling the blanket off the bed with me as I search around my dark room for cloths.

"Ora" Loki groans

I settle on Lokis button up shirt, that was laying in my floor. And luckily it covers up everything. I choose to ignore Lokis protests. He can wait. I toss the blanket back onto the bed, it covers Loki.

I scurry out of my room and over to my front door as more knocks ring out.

"Hold on" I mumble

I unlock my front door, I crack it open a smidge just to peak my head out of it.
Only to see Tony.Fucking. Stark.

"Hey Barbie" the billionaire says

"Tony? What are you doing here?" I ask as I open my door all the way.

"About time you answered. I thought I was going to wither away out here." Tony says as he stepping into my apartment

"Tony. It's three o'clock in the morning." I deadpan

"Well you seem to be up." He reasons

I cross my arms over my chest and roll my eyes at the man. "Why are you here?" I ask

Tony rolls his eyes "I need your help with a few prototypes I'm working on." He explains then his eyes widen.

"What's that on your neck?" He asks

"What?" I ask touching my neck

"Is that a hickey!?" Tony practically exclaims

"What? no!" I fib. Dammit Loki

Tony begins to chuckle, "it is." He says

Then he looks at my appearance, the black button up shirt that's obviously not mine, my disheveled blond hair and the hickey.

"Barbie! Did you have someone over?" He asks

"Tony-" I start

"Are they still here?" He interrupts me, looking around

"No! No one else is here" I say

Tony looks at me, with raised brows "uh huh" he says

"So how come you didn't tell me you were dating someone? I thought you would of mentioned this during our weekly brunch." Tony fusses, leaning down to pick up Pickles, who is rubbing against his leg

"I'm not dating anyone." I say, pushing down the sinking feeling in my stomach that appeared.

Tony looks at me shocked "Wow Barbie! You didn't strike me as a one night stand kind of person"

I roll my eyes at the billionaire, "go home Tony. I'll see you tomorrow." I say pushing him towards the door.
Tony hands me Pickles and starts walking out.

"Just make sure you use protection!" He winks as I close the door on him.

I stand facing my door with Pickles in my arms, thoughts racing through my brain. Loki and I obviously haven't talked about what we are. I mean we've had fun these past. We've had nice dinners, I introduced him to milkshakes and pancakes, he told me stories about Asgard, not to mention the mind blowing sex we have.

I snap myself out of my thoughts, making my way back to my room with Pickles in my arms.

"Loki-" I begin but when I get to my room I see that the ravin haired god is no where to be found.

That's the thing, at the end of the night Lokis always gone. Never a note, never a goodbye. Just poof, gone. Back to where ever he goes.

I sigh and crawl back into my bed, setting Pickles into the spot next to me, where Loki once was.

I stare up at the ceiling, pulling the blankets closer to myself. Maybe the "magic connection" is only shown as lust. We decided on lovers months ago. But this doesn't feel like lovers.

𝓘 𝓒𝓪𝓷 𝓢𝓮𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 (𝓛𝓸𝓴𝓲 𝓛𝓪𝓾𝓯𝓮𝔂𝓼𝓸𝓷)Where stories live. Discover now