2.1 - Did you Know That Theres a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd

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Did you Know That Theres a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd - Lana Del Rey
"(Don't forget me)
           Like the tunnel under Ocean Boulevard"

 Did you Know That Theres a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd - Lana Del Rey "(Don't forget me)           Like the tunnel under Ocean Boulevard"

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(Aurora's pov)
One year later

Im sitting, on my couch watching the latest season of Supernatural with Pickles curled up on my lap. It's been a year since the attack on New York. One year since Loki.

Honestly, the first few days I went back to my apartment and cried. Between the stress, loss of Phil and everything with Loki.

Now, I still get sad but I just continue live my life. Because the world will always keep on moving even if you don't do you might as well move with it.

Sometimes I feel stupid for feeling sad about Loki. Because he tried to destroy my home, killed my friend and we only kissed like twice.
But it felt nice to be wanted. For someone to see me and my powers and not call me a freak.

I don't even know what happened to him. He could be dead. But if he's alive he has probably forgotten about me. And honestly I don't blame him, why the hell would he remember a Midgardian, when he is literally surrounded by goddess.

As for being a fancy avenger. I just go on missions here and there. And I hang out with Tony a lot now. He even offered me a whole ass floor at once was 'Stark Tower' but how is Avengers Tower. But I politely declined, I like my apartment too much.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my tea kettle whistles.

I get up and make my tea. While staring into oblivion.

(Loki's pov)

I sit in my cell. Laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling. Most days I read. Or think about useless things now that I'm trapped. But my mind always finds a way back to Aurora.

Norns, I think about the woman a lot. From morning till night time k think about her. I wonder how she is. If she's happy. I wonder if she thinks about me. Or if im just a fool that got attached after two kisses. Because why would a kind woman want a "villain".

"Hello Loki" I hear my mothers voice

I sit up to see her projection inside my cell

"Hello mother, but brings you to this wonderful place today?" I snark

"Your father will be meeting with you soon. You must behave." She tells me sternly

"When do I not?" I remark sarcastically

She shakes her head and I smirk only for a second before it disappears from my face.

"What's wrong my child" my mother asks

I stay quiet for a second "what does it mean when two peoples magic becomes connected"

"Why do you ask?" She ponders

I gulp and say "I read about it in a book, just curious."

Her projection moved closer to me.

"Usually two magic wielders magic doesn't get connected, without a reason." She paused "most of the time it means some kind of deep connection between the two wielders. Whether they  know it or not."

I gulp and stare at her "what happens with it"

"Most magic wielders magic has a color, that represents them and their magic. Well sometimes the colors weave together. Allowing some ability's to be shared between them." She explained

I nod my head. Is that what happened with my and Aurora. Do we have some kind of "deep connection".

"Well thank you" I say, distracted by my thoughts.

" of course my son" my mother says with a soft smile then disappears.

I close my eyes and leg out a deep breath

"Aurora" I call out


I go to try again but I'm interrupted.

"The Allfather wishes to see you now" two guards say as they grab me and put chains on me.

How fun.

(Aurora's pov)
New York

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a voice

"Aurora" it says

I freeze.

That voice. It's sounded like Loki.

No, it can't be.

I brush off the thought and grab my tea and walk my into my living room. I sit down and grab Pickles and I'm about to press play on the pub when all of a sudden there is a loud boom and the building starts to shake.

Pickles let's out a distressed hiss and curls onto me.

"What was that?" I mumble to myself/ Pickles.

I put him down and ready myself. Suddenly a thudding sound fills the air.

I open my door just to see a blond man.

"THOR?!" I shout confused

"LADY AUORA!" Thor yells excitedly and he hugs me which I return.

"Your just the person I'm looking for" he adds

I fur my brows. And nod my head

"Thor I haven't seen you in forever. What the hell have you been up too" I ask

"You know godly things" he says confidently

"But anyways I need your help. I need to get to my lady Jane. And I thought who else should help me other then my magical earthling friend. He says

I sigh. Why the hell not.

"Sure. Can I change my clothes" I say as I look down at my old band tee and pajama pants.

"No time. Let's go" Thor says as he drags me out of my apartment.

Well this is going to be interesting.

𝓘 𝓒𝓪𝓷 𝓢𝓮𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 (𝓛𝓸𝓴𝓲 𝓛𝓪𝓾𝓯𝓮𝔂𝓼𝓸𝓷)Where stories live. Discover now