3.10 - I Did Something Bad

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I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift
"They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one
They got their pitchforks and proof"

I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift "They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't oneThey got their pitchforks and proof"

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(3rd person)
Salem, Massachusetts

The wind is whistling though-out the night sky. The leaves crunching under footsteps as a group of women walk through a forest.
One leading the way with a torch, two following behind her dragging a woman with dark hair and a purple dress with them.

A little blond girl, thirteen years old, watches from the darkness of the forest.

"No, no, no" the woman in purple pleads repeatedly as the cloaked women drag her through the forest.

The blond girl still following them on the sidelines, hidden in the forest.

They women reach a wooden post. And begin tying up the dark haired women with a blue mist of magic. A woman standing in front of the post with an air of confidence and power radiating off her.

"Agatha Harkness, are you a witch?"

The woman magically bound to the wooden post, Agatha stutters out "yes. I am a witch"

"Yet you have betrayed your coven" The woman standing in front of the posts says, removing the hood on her cloak.

The rest of the people surrounding the post, also remove their hoods, revealing their faces.

"I have not" Agatha defends looking around

"You stole knowledge above your age and station. You practice the darkest of magic " The woman states

"I know...I know nothing of these crimes. I-I swear it" Agatha pleads

"Enough deception!" The woman yells

"I did not break your rules...They simply bent to my power" Agatha states. A smirk begin to grow on her face

All the other witches surrounding her begin to chant.

"Wait" Agatha pleads

"No. I cannot control it." She try's

"If only you would teach me! Help me please!" She exclaims

"Mother please!" Agatha pleads again

Agatha's mother begins to join in on the chanting. Suddenly dark blue blasts of magic shoot from each witch surrounding the post, all sticking Agatha.

As Agatha begins to scream, the blond girl in the forest gasps, holding back tears as she watches the scene in front of her unfold.

Slowly, Agatha's screams grow quieter, and all the dark blue blasts of magic begin to turn purple.
One by one, the purple magic begins to kill the witches.

Agatha's mother floats up into the air, shooting another stream of blue magic at Agatha, barely harming her though.

Soon Agatha is able to break free from the magic bonds holding the hands to the post. She slowly extends her arms out, purple swirls of magic growing in them.

Then she swings her arms out, releasing the magic, causing all of the other witches to drop down to the ground, dead. Leaving her, and her mother making with the girl in the forest alone.

"Please. I can be good." Agatha pleads

"No you cannot" she mother says, shooting another large stream of magic at her daughter.

Agatha wails in pain some more, until her magic works her way up to her mother. Then, suddenly Agatha's mother drops down from the air, dead.

Agatha stops her magic and looks around. She slowly makes her way from the post to her mother's corpse.
She scowls at it, and grabs a pendant off of her mother's collar.

She looks up to the forest in front of her. "Aurora" she calls out

Slowly, Aurora emerges from the woods, her eyes wide with tears and her face scared.
Aurora makes her way over to Agatha.
Absolutely terrified.

"Are they all-"

"Dead? Yes" Agatha states

Aurora looks down at Agatha's mother on the ground next to them. Feeling awful for what just happened.

Then she looks back up to Agatha. "What are we going to do now, mother?" Aurora whispers.

Agatha puts her hands on her daughter's shoulders, "We will be perfectly fine." She says

She quickly wraps her arms around Aurora, and with her magic she lifts them up, send in them away in a purple mist.

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