Not For Love (Based on 2x13

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3rd POV

"What do you want?" Kara asked.

"Kara- Zorel, I'm your one true love, I'm your Romeo, you're my everything." The man said.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" A confused Kara asked.

"I'm Jus-Tar, and I am your future husband." The man said, much to Kara's surprise.

Kara then remembered what her parents have said to her on Krypton.


"Kara, I know you don't want to, and I am so very sorry, but you will have to marry Jus- Tar, he's a nice, gorgeous young man." Alura said to Kara.

" I don't want to." Kara whined.

" I'm sorry baby, but we need this, his family can help us." Alura defended. Kara just ran and shut the door to her room.


"You're the man my mother wanted me to marry?" Kara asked. Jus-Tar just nodded in response."Well, we are not on Krypton, which means I don't have to marry you." Kara said."Can you please leave me alone." Kara pleaded.

"My dear Kara, one day, you shall regret your decision. I have power, we can be so very powerful together," The man begged.

"I'm sorry Jus- Tar, I have someone already." Kara said, remembering Mon-el.

"Is it that despicable Daxamite?" Jus-Tar guessed.

"Yes." Kara answered.

"Fine, but you are warned." Jus- Tar said annoyed.

He flew out from the window he came in from and disappeared in the darkness of the night. Kara took a deep breath and exhaled. She sat on the couch, waiting for Mon-el to come back from the bar, but he never did.

Kara somehow fell asleep, and when she woke up, Mon-el still wasn't around. Kara ran to her phone and dialed Monel.

"C'mon, pick up, pick up." Kara said to herself.

"The phone number you are trying to reach has been-" Kara didn't let the voice finish and hanged up.

Kara put on her super suit and flew to the D.E.O. The first person she spotted was Alex.

"Hey Kara, you're never this early here, don't you have to be at Catco today?" Alex asked.

Kara facepalmed herself and then remembered why she was here.

" Mon-el is missing, a guy named Jus-Tar came and...." Kara explained, way to quick for a human to understand.

"Woah hold on, "Alex interrupted.

"What happened?" Then Kara began to explain again.

"So, Mon-el works at the bar, as you know. I was waiting for him to get home, but there was this guy, his name is Jus- Tar. I was supposed to marry him on Krypton, but as you know..." Kara said, making hand gestures.

Alex just nodded, and Kara continued,"So he tried to ask me out, then I refused because of Mon-el..., and he warned me, I didn't give it much thought and continued to wait for Mon-el. I must have dozed off as I have been tired and when I woke up, he wasn't around."Kara said, tears beginning to form down her cheek.

"Hey, it's okay. We will find him." Alex comforted her baby sister, who just happens to be an alien.

J'onn has been watching the whole thing so he asked Winn to try to locate Mon-el.

"Guys, you might want to see this." Winn shouted.

All of them rushed down to see a video saying play on it. Winn clicked the button and that's when Jus- Tar began talking.

"Hello, I'm guessing you're wondering where this fine specimen is." Jus- Tar spoke." Well, I kidnapped him, and I'll give him back...if Kara mates with me. You have 48 hours do make your final decision. While your thinking about your decision, I'll be having some fun with the daxamite. Toodles. "

Jus- Tar was evil. He would never get away with this. Kara didn't know what to do. Her mind was rushing all around.

"What am I going to do?" Kara asked.

Happy Valentines' day! Hope your enjoying it as much as I am or more. Even if you don't have a lover, I hope your pampering yourself as much as you want. I just wanted to say I'm not going to be posting tomorrow, it's my BIRTHDAY. Turning 13, you all reading my story is already and amazing present so thank you.

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