Life is Hard, Especially For a Certain Kara

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This is a Therapy story after Mon-el's death. I wrote his because the show didn't really explore the topic of what Kara was doing after his death, so I thought, what about her going to therapy, since she surely needed it. I hope y'all enjoy.

Kara POV

"Another day spent as Supergirl, hooray. For the past week or so,after the Daxamite invasion, I wasn't feeling like myself. I'm pretty sure Alex and all my other close friends noticed too. They always asked me,'Are you okay?' 'Do you need anything?' I always just lied, saying I was fine, they stopped asking me and left me alone, except for Alex. She NEVER left my side, she always said I needed it this and I needed to return back to my normal self. But she never figured it out. I Lost the love of my life about a week ago, I was morning, in pain, I was broken. They didn't know how I felt/ feel because they all thought of Mon-el was just a close friend, but for me, he was more, he was the only person, except for J'onn, that I could relate to. He was the love of my life, he understood me and I understood him. We were perfect, like...opposites attract. Well, anyway, a few days ago, Alex told me to come to a therapist and talk about MY feelings, no one understands me and the truth is, I can't even understand myself. And that's why I'm here, to answer your question." I said.

A few minutes ago, I walked into this therapy session, my first one to be exact, and this guy, Dr. Ginerald, asked me to tell him why I'm here and who made me come here.

All of it was true, I missed Mon-el, it was a love no one could understand. Everyone thought I was being over dramatic about his 'death'.

What was I going to do now, would I keep on suffering with the weight of the world on my shoulder, should I give up on my superlife, or should I just give up on life itself. I already knew what I wanted to do,... I wanted it to end.

Thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoy and that you can comment some criticam about this and other stories.(don't forget to write a plot and I'll do my best to write a mini story about it). Hope you enjoy and continue to read the next ones.

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