Love at First Sight

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Heyy this one is going to be a love story, or part of it. Enjoy!

Kara POV

The day seemed to move by slowly for me, I have been getting yelled at by Cat Grant, head of Catco Media, for a while. She wanted everything. She made me run around the whole building to get whatever, I was waiting for an emergency until one finally came.

I was heading to get a coffee for Ms. Grant when I heard a bomb exploding nearby. I quickly ran out and changed in an alley. I flew until I realised it was at Catco.

When I finally arrived, the whole building was down and crumbled, I checked around until my eyes wandered off to see Cat Grant. She was unconscious and looked awfully pale. I didn't know what to do, she was being loaded in an ambulance and I was just staring in shock. I could've prevented it from happening, I could have been there.

Thoughts were going through my head and out, I couldn't focus, couldn't breathe, I felt like dying. I went to the ground and put my hands above my head. Tears were running down my face, my breaths were rushed and very unfocused.

A man came up to me and put his hands on my back, it was a gentle touch yet comforting. I looked up to see the most handsome man I've ever seen. I quickly got up not wanting to look weak, especially in my supergirl outfit.

"Are you okay?" his voice was sincere and soothing. His hair was a dark brown and his eyes were a light blue that I could swim in, his figure was perfect, even though that doesn't matter to me.

" I-I-I'm...ok-kay." I stumbled, I facepalmed myself and he chuckled a bit.

Was this what love felt like? Is there something wrong with me? My stomach was turning and my heart was pounding louder and louder. I didn't know what to do so I flew away, completely ignoring everything.

I had one goal set on my mind...I had to find this man again.

Hope you all enjoyed this short, again please give me a plot and I'll write it as soon as possible. Thank you and I hope you continue to read!

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